A New Friend

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(Y/n)'s POV:-

"I don't know how she suddenly got sick..." The ladies said.

I just stood there in the corner listening to what they were saying.

"It seems that-"

"Don't slack off! Go to work!" Someone interrupted.

"Yes! Sorry!" The ladies said, and they seemed to have gone away.

I soon got down the stairs and got to where Inosuke and the ladies are.

"Sorry! I took a bit long!" I said.

"Not a problem, Furiko-chan!"

"Now, can you help us carry these?" One of the ladies asked.

"Sure!" I replied, while carrying the boxes they gave me.

I wonder what the other lady was trying to say.

Though, i won't possibly need it, as i know the whole storyline.

After clearing up all the boxes and stuff, we soon ate and went up to sleep, as we newbies didn't have any work here.

Good thing, i have a separate room from Inoko's- I mean, Inosuke's.

I kinda have a feeling that he's the type of person to randomly go" YES! HMM! YOU'RE RIGHT! HEEEHEEEE" when sleeping.

I soon sat on my futon, and started rolling on it.

It feels really good, much better than an actual bed.

"Ooh, the moon is kinda-" As soon as i thoughts out, i saw something move.

I think, that's one pyschopathic demon tryna kill me, or Daki. Though it's 99.9% possible that it's Akaza stalking.

"Yo, are ya Akaza? I can't see you properly. If you're trying to scare me or something, show thyself, then scare meh!" I dramatically spoke out.

"I have to tell you, i seriously consider killing you, eventhough it defies my own restrictions about harming women."

"You just made it really obvious that you're Akaza. And i'm sure you won't kill me, though. You're 'kinda' trust-worthy." I replied.

"I see, but remember this; I won't hesitate to kill you, feeding my mind that you're a man if you keep up with your nonsense." Akaza said, glaring. A lot of glaring.

"Akaza, excuse me, but is Muzan feeding you 'Don't Respect Women' juice these days..?" I asked.

"I'm going to-"

"YO WAIT! DONT KILL ME! Just calm down a bit and sit here..?" I said.

"I'm not sitting here."

"Come on, Akaza. Pleeease?"


"Just sit down, i'll tell you something."

"No, you're going to talk about stuff that absolutely does not make any sense."

"No no, believe me. I won't do that!"




"Why are you so stubborn, man. Yo, just sit here, and i'll stop whatever i'm doing that bothers you."

"How can i believe a human like you..?"


"Fine, but i'm killing you on the spot if-"

"Okay! Okay, you can kill me if i talk about random nonsense!"

After i finally persuaded Akaza into sitting with me, he got down the window glaring at me.

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