Once Again;

296 9 2

(A/N)'S NOTE:- Thank you very much for 18k! I will continue to do my best! Hope you like this chapter!

(?)'s POV:-

"Douma." I firmly called out.

"Yes~? Master?"

"You have once again failed in capturing that girl and the boy. What do you have to say about that..?"

"Aw, master! I really thought this would work out, but, damn! Is that girl immune to death by demons or somethin'~? And it seems that this boy is really strong, too!"

"Douma. I see that you are not worth your position. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Nah, master! You know, i really AM fit for this position! It's just that this girl and the boy keep getting out of hand!"

".....Kokushibou. What about Akaza..? Did you find his whereabouts?"

"Unfortunately, I have not, master. I will continue to look for him until I satisfy your orders."

"...I see. Then, dismissed."


(Y/n)'s POV:-

"Damn, Tanjiro, I told you! I'm really alright! I can do by myself!" I shouted.

That boy, isn't letting me polish my own sword. He insists that i let him do it. Not agreeing to that, here we are, having an argument!

"No! What if you scratch your hand or something while polishing it?! You're still healing. I'll do it!" He shouted back, taking my katana from me.

"Huuh?! Tanjiro, it's already a month! How am i still not healed?!" I said.

"Well-... I-.. Uh..." He panicked.

"So? Would you-"


There he comes, the guy who simps for every single girl he sees.


I'm sorry, i'm not that good enough to decipher whatever Zenitsu was trying to say.

It was all gibberish, i suppose..?

"STOP SCREECHING!" I heard Aoi shout from the top of her lungs.

"AL-ALRIGHT!" Zenitsu gulped, and backed off.

"(Y/n), please wait for a bit, I'll be back!" Tanjiro said, running off somewhere.

Sighing, I decided to sit outside.

Goodness gracious, it's already night-time?

I want to go home.

I really do.

As much as I enjoy being here, I want to see my family.

In my actual universe.

I don't understand what's going on, at all.

I get these weird dreams like a shounen manga protagonist.

Though i'm not one.


"Who was that?!" I called out.

"Don't worry, don't worry! That was me!" I heard Tanjiro.

I rushed inside to see... Tanjiro, on the floor.

"Hey! Are you alright?!" I asked.

"Yes, yes! I'm alright!"

"Yes, yes. I'm alright."

"You need to be more careful! Understood?"

"Understood, Miss!"

"Now, would you-"

"(Y/n)? Are you alright? Why are you staring at the floor...?"


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