Blue-haired Tatsuo pt. 1

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'click,' the Pocky stick broke between his teeth, Tatsuo was staring listlessly at the person sitting across from him. He had his head on his hand and elbow leaning on the single desk. He was daydreaming about the school day being over. The person across from him, unbothered by the staring studiously doing his schoolwork. The flipping of pages and scratching of graphite made him more sleepy. He could hear talking by the door to the classroom but it was none of his business.


"Masato-san, someone's here to see you," one of the other students in the classroom said.

He hadn't realized he closed his eyes until then. The person across from him was sitting perfectly in his seat as opposed to himself, the chair back pushing into his chest supporting him. The forgotten taste of strawberry Pocky lingered in his mouth, melted.

"Hey, Masato," Tatsuo lightly tapped the math sheet with his index finger, giving way to Masato's attention. Masato had looked up, taking his right earbud out.

"Someone's here for you apparently," he gestured with his head towards the door. Masato looked, a brief widening of his eyes before he got up with a noise. Tatsuo would've looked too but was interrupted by his own yawning. Bringing up his hand to cover his mouth, he yawned twice, his eyes watering, rubbing them to get the feeling away. He finally turned his head around but it seemed his best friend and visitor were gone.

'eh, more silence for me,' Tatsuo reached for another Pocky and promptly put it in his mouth. He observed the upside-down math sheet in front of him before deciding it was too much work to care for.

"So what happened earlier?"

Tatsuo yawned, covering it with his mouth, as the sun hit both their faces. They were both walking home or more like to Masato's house. He looked at Masato observing his side profile. A sharp nose and thin upper lip, nice thick brows. Masato had nice thick black hair too. He looked at his own hair, a strand of grayish blue in his peripheral, he felt like a parody. It was a wonder how anyone liked him in the romantic sense even if he was the second choice.

"Nothing much," Masato replied.

It was a normal answer coming from him but Tatsuo had a gut feeling, he furrowed his brows and licked his lips.

"Uh, huh."

Masato had turned his head at that noise before looking forward again. Maybe, Tatsuo should've pushed the conversation more but he didn't feel confrontational that day.

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