Curiosity killed Mariko pt. 2

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When Mariko came too, she obviously was not in her body. A poor attempt at vertigo hit her slightly, an effect of the coil she now resided in. Her vision shuttered lapping up the light. Keenly with her newly possessed cat eyes, the faces of foreign teens appeared. There lay a vague outline of a pentacle seeming to circumvent her from them. When she finally could take it all in, she noticed the teens had similar attire to one another. A variety of dark beiges and claret browns of suit coats with green or black ties. Oddly enough while making the observations she did not feel uncomfortable peering up. She could hear snickering in the backdrop of her thoughts.

"Now students we will not make fun of Mardav for his... familiar," A sudden orotund voice caught her attention.

Mariko naturally stretched her body almost as if she had been a cat her whole life and walked the diameter of the pentacle. Her head never left the person who had spoken. Was he a teacher? Proffeser? Where was she? Her tail waved back in forth in contemplation. Something was familiar about this. It nibbled at her and birthed a sense of gentle weariness in her stomach.

The man's words only invigorated the teens to snicker more. Mariko turned around finally noticing someone who had been near the whole time. It was, of course, a teen, he had dark green hair and soft tawny skin. His stature was comparably shorter than his peers. As she stared up at him he finally spoke.

"Uh, um, Hello," he gave a small wave looking considerably timid, his shoulders slightly hunched. The snickering only got louder at his gesture. He looked pensive and hesitant, his eye contact constantly avoidant before looking back down on her. Oh, Mariko. Oh, Mariko. Oh, Mariko. A cat's face wasn't one for expression but she couldn't help but tilt her head away from him ever so slowly, it was like looking at a ca- what was it called, crash. He was a car crash.

"I'm Mardav, would you be my familiar? Please," His voice grew so weak throughout, it could be taken for him talking to himself.

But at his question, she had one herself, wasn't Mardav's familiar supposed to be an egg? She meowed in complaint hanging her head. Oh, Mariko. What did that fat-ass cat do to me!? Mariko was a noble apostle to a love-god, not some dimension-traveling goblin of a cat! She slightly nibbled on her lower muzzle in thought. A human on earth, to a noble, to a cat of a familiar! She scowled with determination down into the polished marble.

Abruptly looking up and startling the young Mardav, she promptly turned around zooming towards the open space between the professor and him. Without missing a beat, she leaped in avoidance of the perimeter of the pentacle and practically fell back with a thud. This time the students really did laugh.

"Ha, it looks like The Maladroits familiar-to-be is muddled in the head too!" one of the students scoffed.

"It's a familiar, why doesn't it just unsummon itself?" another inquired belatedly.

When the chatter grew considerably loud the professor finally inputted, "Students!"

Their reactions came slowly until it was near silent.

Mardav only looked anxiously down at the familiar in cat form. His fingers fidgeted with each other and he ruminated on his lower lip before muttering to himself barely above a whisper.

"Oh no..."

"Mardav! we'll have to undo the summon," at the professor's attention Mardav jolted in apprehension but it seemed to go unnoticed or uncared for.

The professor's attention returned to the group of students.

"Now let this be an example..."

Through the various interactions and the lesson the professor tried impressing upon his students, Mariko only lay in a heap of herself. Her head pounding until she was taken in by the darkness again. 


I think the quality of the writing is slightly better. 

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