born to them!

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“But no! No! no! No!” I shook my baby limbs and balled fist aimlessly around, babbling up a storm.
Weak tears leaked from the corner of my eyes.

I was in a crib. A crib of confinement! And not in just anyone's home!

“Aaaaah!” I yelled at the thought of who I was born to.

I couldn't even nibble on my bottom lip in frustration, only my gums smacked me back. It was so uncomfortable. My limbs were short too. I couldn't hug myself, scratch myself, stand up for myself and most of all bitch by myself. (And there was pooping and eating but why would I tell you that? Embarrassing.)

The door opened, and there she stood in all her Mary Sue glory. Her chiffon robe swayed behind her as she approached me.

“Baby, what's wrong, did you dirty your nappy?” She muttered loud enough for me to hear and reached for me.

She lifted me up into the air like Simba. Could I have puffed my cheeks up to show my frustration? No, because baby cheeks were just baby cheeks, fat pinchable things. The only good thing about being a baby was the baby smell.

I grumbled an unnatural noise but my new mother was all too familiar with my oddities by now.

She hugged me and patted my back with a sigh, already done checking if I really did dirty my diaper. I wouldn't have known either, it just happens, okay!

I instinctually nuzzled my head into her shoulder and slowly fell into a dreariness. But before I was beaten by Morpheus, my eyes twitched in a useless competition. Because no, I didn't want to fall asleep in Mary Sue's arms. It was all for naught, clearly.

I woke up again with the fan blaring into the silence, it was early morning and the blue light made its way from my bedroom window and onto the walls.

As you can tell from my tireless droning, (emphasize on droning because that is entirely what it is,) I was born to one Mary Sue and Gary sue.

I've never seen an OP MC with a child or with a healthy safe child. And to top it all off, this isn't even my favorite MC. Bruh.

The door opened with a swish. Another dreadful visiter with unfortunate words.

“Daddy's here!!! How is my little girl!”  He softly pinched my cheeks and made kissy faces.

When he lifted me in the air, parading me around like a trophy, I made my best disgruntled face and tried barfing on him. But alas, Gary sue can avoid anything. I huffed but it accidently came out as a soft baby snort, no, not even a snort but a small noise that I think came from my nose… which was a snort?

I was transposed from my thoughts when I was forced to sit in a high chair. Green mush, today it was, better than orange or that unholy sweet purple.

In front of me lay a cup of green sauce soon spoon fed to me by my, (reluctantly I would call them, for now,) adoring father and behind, my mother paced back and forth by the counter preparing their own breakfast.

I looked at my father and bemoaned the fact, again, that his hair was brown and that my new mother's was also brown. Come on, it's an anime world! Give me a break! I mean I did get one, for all that this was a fictional world, it was a slice-of-life romance… That meant no fantasy.  I hated romance especially when it was adventure and action! It distracted me from the plot and most of the time wasn't even for character development! I slapped my hand against the the tiny makeshift table that was apart of the high seat.

“Huh, was there something wrong with that bite?” My bland father inquired with a curious brow.(Effortless eyebrows by the way, ugh.)

And wiped away the green drool on the corner of my pouting lips.

“Oh, look, honey, it's happening again,” my also bland mother, added chiming a small laugh in amusement and mirth.

My father looked at me, well, specifically above me, at my head…Ugh, that was the other thing…I was- I was bald…

No, I could live with that, that wasn't the bad part, but there, on top of my head stood alone an…ahoge!

Oh, the horror, There for everyone to see! My vulnerabilities out for the world to take advantage of.

I couldn't tell what it was doing, but I wanted it to stop. My father laughed this time, his laugh not too dissimilar from my mother's in its charisma.

It only reminded me I was a bald baby with an exaggerated cowlick that acted like a mood ring and that I was born to Mary Sue and Gary sue! My pride!

“Awahhhh!” I slapped the table hard.

A/n- just imagine that Mary Sue and Gary sue are your least favorite happy go lucky main characters. My prompt was, someone is reborn as the child of there least favorite MC. I'm thinking about it and maybe I'll use this specific story to practice romance.

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