Curiosity killed Mariko pt 1.

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"That's it, I've had enough of this," Mariko bemoaned while fanning herself.

She was currently standing in her garden but not where she would typically lounge. It was in the grass she had found a stray cat.

"I've decided, You will be my spouse," without any thought she picked up the cat. It was exactly because she did it without thinking that she would have to suffer such consequences.

"Hime-sama, I don't understand what was going through your head when you picked up such a thing!" the poor maiden squawked while treating the right side of Mariko's face.

"Oh hush now," Mariko replied in embarrassment.

She began to grumble and contemplate to herself as she felt the sting of healing under her maid's hand. It all started with her being born, now That was a tad bit dramatic but truly what else could she say about nobility? Most of the time you were born into it. The thing was though she had memories of her past life, now she didn't know if that was normal but she wasn't going to try to find out. This in some ways was a burden, she was beginning to get arrogant and could feel it in her bones, she needed ego death or something. It was a burden because it made her self-aware. Her wanderlust for this unusual world was gnawing at her. Her current position beguit her privileges most everyone couldn't afford. She was apparently a messenger of love or whatever. She made a face at that, her maid started to comb through her hair. This meant she would forever stay here in this place while people came to her for the blessing of marriage or whatever made a relationship a relationship. She was starting to become lonely and of course, bored in this estate of hers and apparently to break her job position she needed to get married. Funnily enough, for someone who was all about representing love, she was quite bad at forming relationships. She was a fickle person not unlike shallow love.

She bemoaned not unlike earlier, "Mary, my generic little servant, will you marry me, it's so stressful being esteemed," the back of her hand landed on her forehead.

Her maid, Mary, made a deadpan while making a harsh stroke with the comb in her hand in Mariko's hair.

"Ow, that wasn't quite nice....Anyway, where is that cat!" Mariko tampered off distractedly.

She had been seeing that cat for a while around in her estate which was a surprise considering the maintenance of the place. She thought it was odd. Her eyes glazed over thinking about all the possibilities of adventure! Maybe it was a magical cat? Either way, it would cure her boredom somewhat. She rolled her eyes in thought, everyone knows animals in magical worlds are suspicious. As she breathed and started to relax under the ministrations of her maid, she thought truly it was a splendid idea.

"Mary, do you think the servants could get that cat for me?" When she heard no reply she only talked again.

"Oh, I thought so," she paused before enthusiastically opening her eyes," No worries, all the more fun for me!" At the one-sided conversation, Mary, her maid, patted her head and left the extravagant room.

For the next few days Mariko staked out a spot, the spot where she first picked up the cat. Mariko lavishly indulged in long hours of what she called 'tea time,' and had an array of assorted confections on the newly placed outdoor table. Normally such items would be placed at one of the many gazebos she had but Mariko was insistent on putting them here. For four days straight she made her maid hold a big parasol over her as she drank tea and enjoyed a bland book. As she took a sip of tea from a delicately crafted cup and put it back into its saucer she sighed, not for the first time. 'When will the cat come out?' She lifted an eyebrow in thought.

"May I suggest something, Hime-sama?" Mary asked while holding the heavy parasol.

"Yes, of course, of course," Mariko said dismissively as she gestured with her hand for Mary to hurry up with the response.

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