Chapter 28

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"Now if you will excuse me I have to go

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"Now if you will excuse me I have to go." I stood up to leave when Avy held my hand. I turned and looked at him with an arched brow.

"Where are you going?" He stood up.

"I'm going to my friends." I removed his hand from mine with my other hand and walked away from him. He followed me and held my hand and started dragging me to the place we kissed earlier. "What are you doing?" He did not say anything and just dragged me further inside. We came to stop and he released my hand and stood there holding the bridge of his nose.

"Anika, why are you running away and not sitting with me for even a good 15 mins. What is happening? Please tell me." He let out a breath.

"Oh but I did sit with you for 20 mins but you were busy talking business with Mihir." I gave him a fake smile. "Oh and I have no interest in sitting there while you and your family reminisce about old times with your ex. So I'm leaving, you can do whatever you want."

"I was not reminiscing about anything. I was not even listening to what she was saying." He said frustrated. "Have you seen me talking to her at all since you came?"

"That's the problem, you said nothing at all while she was talking about the past. I was waiting for you to shut her down the first time she talked about your relationship." I snarled. He said nothing and just stood there watching me like he was really processing what I just said. "Did you like her talking about the past?"

" What! No, why would you think that? I was annoyed that she was talking about past. Baby, I know you have a problem with her being here I have to but I was just doing this for bhabhi, she was feeling really guilty." He explained.

"And that somehow means you should ignore my feelings, is that it?" I shook my head. "You know why I went to Sakshi's house in the afternoon?" I asked. He frowned. "Because your ex was also there this afternoon when we went shopping and you know what your cousin and sister-in-law did?" I scoffed remembering how they just left me with her. If it wasn't for Sakshi I would have been all alone with her.

"They left me all alone. They were so focused on Mahira they completely forgot about me." Finally the tears I've been holding since the beginning of the night started to gather in my eyes. "If it wasn't for Sakshi, I would have felt so alone. It felt like I went shopping with Sakshi and not Bhabhi and Kavya." I sniffled, wiping my tears away.

"Anika, I didn't know she was at the mall, baby I really didn't." He took a few steps forward to hold me but I moved back not wanting him to touch me. "Anika please let me hold, you're crying and I can't see you cry."

"No, you failed to understand how uncomfortable I was with her. Not once did any of you consider my feelings. I don't care about others, but you, I thought you would know how I felt." I gulped the lump in my throat and looked away from him.

"It hurt Kartavya when they all pretended as if I wasn't there. I felt like an outsider with my own family." God damn these tears, why won't they stop. I wiped them aggressively. "Was your business talk so important that you completely forgot I was sitting right beside you. You behaved like an inconsiderate jerk." Hurt was clear in my voice. He had his head hung low.

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