Chapter 52

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"I will call our family doctor to come and see you." Avy said as he made me sit on the bed. "Until then I will bring something so you can have your lunch. You did not eat in the cafe." I held his hand and shook my head.

"Sit down, I'm still not done talking." He looked at me for a moment and sat down beside me. I sighed. "How did she know what you and I were talking about? She said the exact same words you told me when we talked on the phone." He looked confused for a second and thought about it.

"When we were talking on the phone, Mihir told me that she was asleep in her room and I was sitting in the garden working because I didn't want stay in that house." He removed his shoes and sat crossed legs holding my hands in his. "I didn't know how she heard me, but after I talked to you Mihir and I tried to work but I wasn't able to work so I decided to come home. I came home around 2:45 that day. You were asleep so I did not disturb you."

"And then where were you last night? You did not come home last night."

"I got the evidence from Mahira so Mihri, Pathak and I were sorting them. There was so much evidence that it took us all night." He kissed the back of my hand and looked apologetic. "I behaved like a jerk this morning, I'm sorry for that but I was really disturbed by all the things I found out from the evidence. I know it's not an excuse for my behaviour."

I released a staggering breath and looked at our hands. All the things he said were true and genuine, I can feel that and were valid reasons for how things have been but I still can't easily forgive him for not telling me. "Avy, I understand you've had a really rough week. I'm sorry you had to deal with all that but I just can't forgive you for not telling me. You didn't have to deal with it all alone. Just imagine the consequences if I believed her and thought the worst of you. Where would that leave us? It's that I trusted you and our relationship so much that I knew she was bluffing."

I removed my hands from his and placed them in my lap. He looked like he was punched in the face. "But you know there was this one second, one little second where I questioned your love for me. All my fears and insecurities came rushing back to me in that one second. But I did not want to give her the satisfaction of breaking something so beautiful. I decided to trust you and not take any drastic steps."

My chest squeezed painfully looking at the expressions in his eyes, love, anger, regret, guilt and gut wrenching sadness was present in those beautiful hazel eyes. Those are the eyes that made my heart race and fill my stomach with butterflies. They make me feel like I'm the most precious and most beautiful woman in the whole world. But now they make me want to cry because of how hurt and panicked they look.

"So Avy if you would have just told me or at least given me a hint about what was going on that one second would have never happened. I would have never doubted you for even that one second. I would have been able to give her an answer, that I knew where my husband was and I would have told her proudly how even after everything she did, my husband was helping her get out of a situation she created for herself." I wiped the tears that flowed down my cheeks. He stiffened and moved closer to me.

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