Chapter 29

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✧ Aleema ✧

I was hella tired after all the steamy kinky stuff we did. And while laying in my husband's arms I realised once again that Allah is really the best planner. I can never imagine my life with anyone else but Ahmad.

I always had this tingling feeling in my soul whenever we crossed paths but wasn't sure if these feelings were to be reciprocated. Ahmad being the shy being he is took his own sweet time in approaching me. But I do not mind waiting for him, only if it's him.

While on thoughts my mind drifted towards my soul sister, Noor. Noor has played an important role in unifying me and Ahmad. And now it's time I do the same for her. Now it's time she finds the love she deserves. And after wishing for the same I slip into a blissful sleep.

'Chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup Chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side...'

"Aleema, your phone is ringing."

My blissful sleep didn't even last for an hour. "Please check who is it. I can not move by even an inch."

I heard Ahmad answering the call and could hear Noor's faint voice from the other side.

"Aleema, I need you to come, right now."

I could hear the urgency in her voice and knew something isn't right. The sleep in my eyes vanished and I streched my phone to take the phone from Ahmad.

"But she did cum a few hours ago." Ahmad said in an innocent voice but it was anything but that. I slapped my streched hand on his mouth and he yelped in pain.

Sitting straight on the bed I snatched the phone from his hand. "Are you out of your mind or what?" I glared at him and by now his slumber fogged mind was clear and he gave me his best sorry face realising what he just said.

"Eww, I'm not at all interested in knowing about your sex life." I heard Noor saying on the phone.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." Saying this I cut the call and throwing one last deathly stare at my in-no-cent husband I got up from the bed and for my clothes.

"You said you can't even move by an inch." I heard Ahmad saying while coming out of the washroom after changing into a pair of Pjs and t-shirt.

"Well, for my best friend, I can even climb Everest." Saying so I dash out of the room and within a few minutes find myself knocking on Noor's hotel room's door.

One not-at-all-ok looking Noor ushered me into the room. Just looking at her wandering eyes told me she is nervous. The lines on her forehead told me she is tensed. The movement of her throat told me she is worried. Her entangled hands told me she is hesitant.

As you can see, years of togetherness and the bond of friendship makes you read your friend like an open book. But yes, we do make mistakes sometimes. Just the way I did when Noor was married. My eyes couldn't read between the lines. They were too focused on her happy face that they skipped everything else. But I can never make the same mistake twice. Never in my life.

I hold her entangled hands bringing her attention towards me and then I asked her with a calm tone, "What happened?"

She bites her lips and with an extremely hesitant voice says, "Ayaan Bhaijaan, lo-loves me."

My eyes widened at the information I just received and for a few seconds I couldn't believe what she said, "Can you repeat what you just said?"

She gulps and then repeats her words once again, "Ayaan Bhaijaan, loves me."

"Oh for goodness sake. Fuck, finally." I squeal and jump with happiness and holding Noor by her shoulders spin us with a full blown smile on my face.

"Oh my God. I cannot believe it's happening. I oh so knew it." Suddenly Noor stops me from celebrating the most awaited moment of my life and looks at me with accusing eyes.

"You knew this? And yet decided to not tell me? Like seriously?"

"Aish no, it's just that I already had my doubts. But now when it's confirmed I can dance on the wedding beats." I say getting all excited but then the happiness bubble had to burst.

"It's not confirmed." Noor said looking a little unsure.

"What do you mean? Didn't Ayaan Bhaijaan confessed his feelings for you?" I asked being a little sceptical.

"Umm, no?" I raise my eyebrows asking her to give me all the information in detail. And then she tells me everything that happened before I came here.

"Ahh, I see. So it wasn't just me who noticed Bhaijaan's feelings for you." I say taking it all in.

"But, how is this possible?" She asks me and I literally had 'Dumb ways to die' music running in my mind right now.

"You are saying as if he isn't human and having feelings is impossible for him." I say getting irritated but then releasing a sigh try to explain. "Noor, we all noticed that Bhaijaan loves you. I mean the man who is always strict and disciplined can mend his ways for you. The person who is with a stoic face most of the time but when his eyes clashes with you, they soften immediately. All his gestures indicates that he loves you and with all his heart."

Even after my most convincing speech I could see bits of doubts lingering in her eyes. "Dude, what's the point of you reading so many romance fiction when you turn colour blind when the colours of love fly in your sky."

"It's just, I want to be sure. What if it's just him being nice to me?" She says uncertainty visible in her question.

I heave a sigh and then get up from the couch. "Ok then, let's go."

"Where?" Noor asks following my steps.

"To confirm whether Bhaijaan loves you or not."


Yaara Teri Yaari Ko,
Maine Toh Khuda Maana,
Yaad Karegi Duniya,
Tera Mera Afsana.


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