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The hot ham and cheese sandwhich I was nibbling on was practically just a glob of tasteless mush in my mouth. I chewed slowly, only to please Sadie, who was concerned at my lack of an appetite over the past couple days. I hated everything about school. At the beginning of the year, all I wanted to do was get through the hellhole that was highschool and graduate with flying colors- now I could barely be bothered to turn in our daily assignments. I know it sounds dramatic, but my grandmother was seriously like the only thing I have. She was my entire childhood. I owed her everything- probably my life, since my parents couldn't be bothered to feed me or take care of me, yet it was my fault she had passed away. So brutally, too. She deserved to slip into a dark, peaceful sleep and never wake up- not a horrific car accident that mutilates her. 

Sadie was furiously clicking away on her phone, her brows furrowed in concentration as she sent paragraph after paragraph to whoever she was arguing with. She got into fights on the daily, both physical and verbal. Since her mom was a therapist though, she rarely got into any serious trouble. The two would talk out their feelings, Sadie would calm down, and they'd try and plan what to do the next time Sadie got mad. Use her "coping skills". She never had, and I doubted she ever would. Sadie lived for the thrill of knocking someone else's teeth out, the crunch of their nose breaking beneath her fist. Her words, not mine. 

I swallowed thickly. I usually loved the school cafeteria's sandwhiches. They always had really sweet bread that I could eat for hours. But now all the flavors just kind of blended together. I set the sandwhich back down into the tinfoil they had served it in and wrapped it up tightly. I stuffed it into my back when Sadie wasn't looking, then started munching on the bland carrots that Sadie had forced me to get on my plate. Not even the chocolate milk tasted the same. All I wanted was sleep. I had nightmares constantly, even when I fell asleep in class about flaming cars and wrinkly hands reaching up from the depths of the earth to grab me and drag me down with them. I itched at the bandage wrapped around my hand. Even the stinging of my burn wasn't enough to overpower the numbness I felt inside.

"Ew," spat Sadie.

I glanced up from my blank staring. "Huh?"

Sadie rolled her eyes and jabbed her thumb in the direction of the lunch line. Fourth period was lunch and study hall. You had thirty minutes of lunch, and then thirty minutes to work on missing homework and whatnot. Our lunch half was almost over, which meant it would be our study hall and then the other half of highschool would get to eat lunch. There was no rhyme or reason to who was in what shift. They just split the grade in half. Thankfully, the most annoying kids weren't in our shift- but they were in line right now, cackling and casting Sadie and I amused looks. 

There were five of them, and all together Sadie and I called them the Douche Squad. They were loud, inconsiderate fuckboys that loved sex, violence, and sex. That was all they talked about when they weren't tormenting us. It seemed to piss them off that Sadie and I didn't really care much about their insults, so they tried to be as vile as possible. 

Justin Metz. The leader of the Douche Squad. Was obsessed with titties, vaginas, and all things related to female body parts. He always asked Sadie if he could watch her making out with another girl, like a total fucking pervert. He was dumb, dumber, and dumbest all rolled into one. He had a deep, hearty laugh and a stupid grin he wore way too often. He imitated sucking dick everytime he caught my eye, and then chuckled stupidly.

Frank Terez. He's pretty scrawny, and looks super out of place with the muscular athletes he associated himself with. He used to be nice, but obsessed with his rank in school he acted as brutal as possible for his "friends'" entertainment. He was pretty unhinged if you got to know him. There was something psychotic behind those eyes, and I wouldn't doubt it if he said he'd do anything to remain in the popular group. 

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