𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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It'd been two weeks since the fight, and it felt like my phone had been buzzing non stop with text messages and calls. I read through every single text message at least five times, and I knew he saw that and I knew it probably gave him the wrong idea but it hurt so much to ignore him and I really wanted to know what he said. It was a lot of apologies, asking to talk, etc., but each one sent my heart fluttering because I wanted to believe that he cared. 

I sighed and sat my phone back down on the table.

Hayden glanced at me sideways. We were sitting together at the lunch table. Sadie had gone to Ms. Shank's to finish the semester test and left us alone, accompanied by a lot of suggestive winking and nudging on her part. Hayden was really sweet, and I liked catching up with him. It reminded me of all those hours spent playing with him at my grandma's house, but part of me felt like I couldn't like him that way. Number one, I still missed Luke. Number two, Hayden still sort of ditched me. Luke and Hayden both treated me like dirt, but Luke went from bad to good and Hayden went from good to bad to maybe good again. I hadn't decided yet. Maybe I was just lovesick. 

"Something wrong?" asked Hayden.

"I got into a fight with someone a little while ago and we still haven't come to an agreement-" Because I've been refusing to answer him, I added silently to myself.

To my surprise, Hayden immediately guessed it was Luke. "Yeah, he's been really down in class lately. I always see him staring at you with this longing look on his face. Does he... I mean does he like you, like you?"

I wasn't sure if it was jealousy, disgust, or a bit of both on Hayden's face. Either way, I didn't like it too much. Hayden had definitely been flirting with me for the past week or so, and I hadn't heard any shit from Justin about it either. Maybe Luke wouldn't have too much to worry about if he ever decided to come out. The scary part was whether or not I'd be there with him when he told everyone the truth. I wondered if Melanie knew. I'd seen Luke and her talking behind the school. Melanie smoking, Luke letting her wrap her arm around his shoulder. I hoped it was the same thing I did with Sadie, where I was comfortable with her platonically cuddling me, and not Luke trying to deny his sexuality or something. 

I nodded stiffly. "Yeah. He was pretty upset. I just feel bad about it."

"Well you shouldn't. Luke's a pussy."

I grimaced, and didn't say anything. Hayden looked at my sour expression, frowned, and then smirked. "Meet me in the janitor's closet, the one upstairs."

I blinked rapidly. "Why?"

Hayden grinned. "What do people do in the upstairs janitor's closet?"


I felt my hand shake as I nervously turned the door handle. I did not want to make out with Hayden, or do any of that. But part of me felt like I didn't have a choice. If Luke decided he didn't want to talk to me, than Hayden was practically my only other option here at school. Maybe kissing him wouldn't be so bad. Just as I was about to step inside, someone grabbed me and pulled me. I heard a click as the door locked behind me. I was about to protest when someone grabbed my waist and slammed me against the wall.

"A-Ah, hey!" I exclaimed, reaching up my hands. I knotted my fingers through his hair, and realized with a jolt that it felt... familiar. "Luke?"

"Shh..." he murmured. "I want to show you how much I care about you."

I struggled against him, but all he did was slip his hands beneath my legs and picked me up, pressing me harder against the wall. I squeaked at the lack of balance, and had to wrap my legs around his torso in order to keep us both from toppling over. I kept one hand in his hair and brought the other to his shoulder. "Luke, this is really weird- mmph!" 

Luke was kissing me. Again. But this time was different. I remember back in the treehouse where it felt like he was holding back. Not this time. Luke practically attacked my mouth, biting and tugging on my bottom lip until I reluctantly parted my lips and let his tongue slip through. Luke's tongue scoured each crevice of my mouth, pinning my own against the bottom of my mouth as our saliva mixed together. He tasted amazing, like Hershey's chocolate, and his lips were so soft when I bit down. Luke whimpered softly into the kiss, but only drove his tongue deeper down my throat. I tilted my head back, letting out a mixture of a gag and a choke, which only seemed to fuel Luke's passion. His hands slipped underneath my shirt and grabbed at my waist, rubbing up and down my stomach.

"Mm~" I hummed into the kiss. I liked the way his fingertips stroked my sensitive skin. When Luke finally backed out of the kiss to breathe, a string of spit connected our mouths. I let out long, lengthy breaths. "What's wrong with you?" I panted. "You can't just drag me into a room and- mmph-" Luke cut me off with a swift peck on the lips. "Make out with me!" I finished, annoyed.

Luke arched his eyebrow. "Maybe not. But I'm going to."

He removed one of his hands from beneath my shirt and tilted my chin upwards, once again meeting my mouth with his. A warm tingly sensation spread from my face down to my toes, and I felt my groin ache with unreleased tension. I cupped Luke's face with my hands as he used his tongue to make melodic circles in my mouth, his own hands once again exploring my lower body. They grabbed at my thighs, at my hips, at my waist. I wanted his hands all over me, I couldn't get enough of his touch. I leaned my body against him, not once breaking the kiss as I tried to signal him what I wanted. I felt Luke's mouth curve upwards into a smirk against my mouth, and he bit down on the edge of my lip to let me know he understood.

The sound of smacking lips stopped once Luke's jaw went slack and he pulled away. He stared up at me, his blue eyes gleaming in the darkness. He glanced at my neck, and then back up at me. Before I could do anything, his mouth was against my skin, sucking at the base of my neck. I gasped, my mouth frozen half-open. A burning sensation of both pleasure and pain overwhelmed me, and I doubled over, trembling.

Luke didn't relent, and aggressively bit down on my neck. I let out a squeak, too overstimulated to form actual words. I shook in his hands, clawing at his back as he kept sucking and gnawing at that spot on my neck. "Luke stop-" I whimpered. "You're making me- ngh- you're making me hard..." I whispered against his neck. 

Luke smiled against my skin. He pulled back briefly, planted a small kiss on the bruise he had just made, and moved onto my shoulder, still chewing and licking and kissing my flesh without stopping. I remembered the noises that Luke had made back in the treehouse. They were nowhere near as submissive as the ones I was trying my hardest to contain. Luke's hands traveled up and down my abdomen, occasionally squeezing my sides just to earn a muffled moan when I covered my mouth with my hand to try and silence it. My groin was on fire, and I could feel it pressing against the crotch of my pants. 

Luke reached down a hand, and I felt his fingertips brush against it. I whimpered against his shoulder. "You want me to take care of it for you?" he murmured into my ear.

"Agh~ please!"

Luke dropped my legs. He kept me against the wall as he undid his belt, and the last thing I heard before he continued was the sound of his pants hitting the floor. 

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