chapter 1

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Today was my first day back at east land, euphoria. I was nervous since i havent been here since i was 9. My mom moved me to my aunties house because of my 'mental health' or whatever.

I got diagnosed with anxiety,depression,Bi polar and BPD last year. It only got that bad when i saw my dad die infront of me. My mom was at work and my dad was a heavy drug addict so when i whent to go ask him for some food i saw him on the floor with pills and 'passed out' on the floor. I called 911 but it was too late. They called my mom and she came too see me with the police taking me to care. She got me back after 2 month and i kept having many panick attacks so she took me to the doctors, thats when i got diagnosed. I have had bad mental health since then.

I went to rehab since i overdosed last year, my mom thinks im gonna turn out like my dad and take drugs till i kill myself like he did. But, i know my limits and i only do enough drugs for my system. I tried to quit but that did not go well. So, when my mom found out i relapsed she told me i was going to live with my cousin, maddy. I still talk to maddy but i didnt tell her i was moving in with her yet. When she sees me, she is gonna die.

Right now, im in the back of a taxi to maddys house. It was way too long and i just needed some weed to keep my life going but my mom took all of that, fucking bitch. I just sat in the back of the taxi on my phone, the sky looked beautiful right now so i took a photo and posted it on my Instagram.

After a long ride i was finally here, my mom gave me a wad of cash so i payed the driver, got my bags and walked up to the door. I knocked lightly and i heard my auntie say to maddy, "mija open the door please?" She opens the door and smiles very bright. She junps onto me and lets me in. I walk in and see my beautiful auntie.


"Hola bebé i havent seen u in forever, how u been?" She asked
" i have been better but im glad im here i missed u and maddy so much" i replied.
"Yeah we missed you! You will be with maddy for the time being till we get ur room set up i hope thats alright." My auntie said.
"Of course it is alright, thank you." I exclaimed.
"No hon, its alright now go get settled" she said.

Me and maddy go to her room and i start putting my normal things i needed in the room since it was still maddys room.

"Girl, i know u have just came in here but i need weed right now, so can u come with me to get it?" Maddy asked.
"Oh my gosh there is weed here? Thank god." I whisper shouted.
"Yes there is so lets go get some and smoke it girll" maddy shouted.

We drove to this little shop with the sign, 'milk' on it and maddy parked next to it. We got out and walked into the shop.
"Hey maddy, whos this lil mama?" A ginger headed man asked my cousin.
"Uhm sorry to ask but are u a pedo or smth?" I asked.
"Nah its all good, no i am not a pedo" fez giggled at my comment.
"Oh ahah, my name is alexander but most people call me alex" i said.
"Word, what u guys looking for then?" Fez asked.
"Alex and i want some weed" maddy said.
"Go see ash in the back, i need a joint so im finna be outside" fez exclaimed.


We walk into this little freezer thing, wierd. And i see a very very fit boy with tattoo on his face, cap on and a tracksuit. Absolutely fine ass.


"The fuck you want maddy?" The boy asked.
"HEY, do not be rude im an amazing customer, and i want alot of weed" maddy said.
"Well how much is alot?" The boy said.
"Can i have 10 pre rolled joints please?" Maddy asked nicely.
"That will be 120" the boy said.
Maddy gives him the money and he gives her the joints. I need some oxys so i told maddy to go in the car while i get a 'drink'.
"Hey, can i have some oxy please, do not tell maddy please" i begged.
"Yeah, i aint seen u around before do i know you?" He asked.
"No i moved here the day, thanks for the oxys here is the money." I said.
"no problem" he said with the same expression.
I give him 200 even if the stuff was 80. I gave him a big tip due to maddy being abit rude to him before.
"Hey, u gave alot more than 80 you know." He said.
"Yep, keep it. See u around ashtray" i said and smiled.
I leave the little freezer thing and say bye to fez then get in the car.
"Babe, u were in that freezer for too long. What were u doing?" Maddy asked curiously.
"Nah i was just talking to that boy, gave him money since u were rude and left" i explained.
"I was not that rude, lets go home hm?" She said.

We started driving home and i couldnt stop thinking about that boy. He was very sexy, buzzcut hair, brown doey eyes and 2 tattoos on his face. He always seems very serious but a good type of thing.

We pull up back to maddys house and we have to go up the back stairs since we had to 'sneak out'. Maddy starts to pull out a joint and asks me if i want 1 like was that even a question? She lights her up and passes me her lighter. It was a light purple one that read 'smoker' in black writing. I light up my joint and we just start to have a normal conversation.

"So what does it feel like being here after all this time?" Maddy asked.

"i dont know right now, i am glad too see you and auntie i missed u both the most. I just wish i did not move all together" i replied while inhaling the smoke.

"awe i missed u too boo, i have some bad news for you that i know you are not gonna like" maddy said while putting the joint to her peachy lips.

"Oh for fuck sake, what is it mads?" i asked curiously.

"Well, we start school tomorrow since the summer finishes earlier here, im sorry i know u just got here" maddy exclaimed.

"nah, god sake well im gonna sort my stuff out then go to bed since im very tired." i murmured.

"alright, i will get us vapes for tomorrow before school" Maddy said

I nodded and put on my pjs for bed since it was kinda late.

Maddy helped me put all my stuff away before we go to sleep, i did not have much stuff mostly clothes,makeup things that i needed. We climb into Maddys bed and i slowly drift off into deep sleep...



To, Ashtray ps. i love youWhere stories live. Discover now