chapter 10- ashs birthday bash

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November 14th


Today was the day before my birthday. Time has flied by the past 2 months. I mean, me and alex were super close but we flirtes and things but we werent exactly together. We didnt put labels on it. I was more happy and i kept making loads of bank because i had alex helping me weigh drugs and sell at partys. Normally, i told her to keep the money she makes but she finds a way to give it to me. And, she is pretty much clean. From oxys not blunts and weed. More like pills and powders. I was proud of her. She did rehab for abit too. She was doing great. And knowing alex, she would 100% do something big for my 16th. I already know it.

I got up just as normal and i saw a note on my gaming desk.

"Hey angel, i will be sleeping at yours tomorrow. I made fez put this on here so i didnt have to come in. I have gotting u loads of shit but its good stuff so dont be mad i gotchu anything because i love you and u deserve it. So i will see u tomorrow or today if u read it.

Loves of huggies, al xoxo"

I hold it to my chest for a minute. This girl never ever stops being so cute. She melts my heart.

I walk downstairs and see fez and lexi talking. They clearly fancied eachother but didnt say anything. Lexi always came over or fez would take her out. They really think i cant see what is happening. They dumb ass fuckers.

Fez- "dude, what do u wanna do for your birthday?"

Ash- "ion know, im telling you alex is gonna do a big party she always does for people"

Fez- "word, she did it for maddy i remember"

I nod at his statment.

Lexi- "yeah but i dont know what she is planning. She did say she will be over in 10 minutes"

Ash- "when did she say that?"

Lexi- "like 5 minutes ago"

I nod again and i grab my cereal. I pour the cereal into my bowl and grab the milk. I pour my milk into the bowl and go into one of the drawers to get a big spoon.

I sit at the table with fez and lexi and have a conversation. Until, i heard a knock on the door and i whent to go see who it was out of my room. I saw alex and she kept blowing kisses at the camera which made me giggle abit. She had a bag with her which was probably her clothes and some other random shit. To be honest, most of her stuff was already here. She was always here and plus with all her stuff here she still wears mine. I dont mind she looks good with my clothes on its just random.

I open the door for her and she walks in and jumps on me. I actually havent seen her in 2 days. Thats one of the longest times that we have been without eachother. Yes, we have attachment issues but who gives a fuck. I dont. She dont.

Ash- "hey ma, ill get your bags-"

Alex- "absolutely not, ur the birthday boy so i will do everything for u"

Ash- "my birthday is not a big deal ma"

Alex- "its ur first one with me, and it should be a big deal its one day all about you and it is gonna be about you"

To, Ashtray ps. i love youWhere stories live. Discover now