Chapter 12 (Tigris)

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The courtyard was abuzz with murmurs and whispers as a brightly coloured carriage drew to a stop in front of the castle. The horses were a magnificent downy white, pure muscle and strength. Tigris stood before them, careful to keep her face passive. She knew the finery of the incoming ambassador was a ploy to make Irulia look wealthier and better off than they actually were.

"Smile a bit, would you? You look constipated." Aodh hissed. Tigris fought to keep her gaze on the carriage as a willowy man with warm brown skin stepped out of the carriage.

"Shut up, Aodh. You're one to talk. You have salad in your teeth." she scoffed without changing her expression. Aodh made a squeaky indignant sound, like he wanted to strangle her. Tigris suppressed a smirk. It was always cute when her little brothers thought they could mess with her. They should know better by now. 

In front of them, Tigris' father plastered on a dignified smile, as if he could pretend his children weren't squabbling behind him. He nodded to the guards gathered around them and began to descend the pale white steps, his arms spread amicable. His weapons glittered on his belt menacingly.

"We welcome you to the Faultless Kingdom, ambassador." the King announced, his eyes calculating as they inspected the Irulian in front of him. "I have no doubt you will enjoy what our city has to offer."

The Irulian ambassador smiled warmly, but there was a hesitation to him that instantly put Tigris on alert. He bowed unsteadily.

"The pleasure is mine, King Romulus." he replied grandly, with a musical edge to his words. His greying dark hair was smoothed back, leaving his many wrinkles unmasked. His pale grey eyes darted towards the gathered guards and nobility. Tigris noticed his eyes narrow ever so slightly at the large presence of guards, seeing the insult in their presence. "I have no doubt your city will impress." he finished, even though his eyes were lit with suspicion.

The two leaders grasped arms. Tigris couldn't help but note how scrawny the ambassador's tawny arm was compared to her father's. She suppressed a sigh. Her father was going to completely destroy this fidgety ambassador.

Irulia was going to suffer.

Tigris motioned to the guards and they parted instantly, providing a path to the main doors of the castle. The ambassador and king walked side by side, murmuring to each other in low tones. Tigris followed of course, the cooling shadow of the indoors like a calming hand on her shoulder. Aodh and Finn were allowed to leave, but as heir she had to be next to her father throughout the meetings.

Even though her siblings could have run off to attend to their other duties, Aodh and Finn kept pace at Tigris' side as she followed her father. She scowled at them both.

"Don't you two have work to do?" she chastised in a low voice, "I can handle the meeting."

"We have no doubt of that." Finn assured her. Aodh snorted.

"You have no doubt about that." he muttered sourly. Finn elbowed him.

"-but we just wanted to see what you think of the ambassador." Finn quickly added before Tigris could lunge at Aodh. She smoothed her hair back. It was ridiculously done back into waves that cascaded down her back. She much preferred a braid, but her father had gotten a maid to use a noble style. He'd insisted that appearance, as an heir, was a powerful tool. He'd been right, of course, but she definitely didn't like it.

Tigris sighed. "Irulia is doomed if that is all the defense they can muster."

"I was afraid you'd say that," Finn sighed, pushing his hair back, "Hopefully the Irulian ambassador is more persuasive than he looks."

Aodh glanced between them. "What's wrong with both of you?" he hissed, "Father has his reasons for this meeting, I'm sure of it."

Tigris paused, ensuring they were out of earshot. She turned back to her younger brothers. "Of course, Aodh. I'm sure father has his reasons." she mused, "But we owe it to our people and knights to try and understand those reasons. I haven't found a single reason worth pursuing war."

"I have," Finn said quietly. He watched their father's shrinking figure for a moment. His gaze darted back to Tigris furtively. "I did some reading yesterday. Irulia and the Faultless Kingdom were allies until Father's reign. After that point, I found records of animosity between the kingdoms, stemming from the time of his coronation."

"Father's coronation?" Aodh repeated, wrinkling his nose, "What could have happened then that made Father hold such a strong, war worthy grudge?"

Tigris had sat through many history lessons and lectures from her father and his advisors. She already knew the answer before Finn said it.

"That's when he enacted his ban on inkblood." she muttered. The royal children fell silent. Their father's hatred of inkblood was well known. And rightfully so. They'd all been privy to their father's many rants of the dangers of said substance. It could never be allowed in the Faultless Kingdom. And it shouldn't be allowed anywhere in the world, really.

The pieces clicked into place. If Irulia had opposed the inkblood ban, then there was no way their father would have forgotten that disrespect. He'd waged a war on inkblood before. He would wage war on its supporters now, however old that support may be.

Something like relief and unease twined together in Tigris' gut. Finally, she understood. This was why her father had pushed for war. It was a valiant and worthy reason. Perhaps the destruction of Irulia was a bit of an overreaction, but she understood why measures needed to be taken.

"Tigris!" the king shouted from around the corner, noticing her absence, "Keep up!"

Tigris jolted back into motion, but Finn grabbed her arm.

"Tigris, what are you going to do? You know a war will devastate Irulia and the Faultless Kingdom." Finn asked urgently, his wide green eyes pleading. Tigris pulled her arm out of his grip quickly, disconcerted by his sudden intensity.

"What can I do, Finn?" she whispered, glancing back to where the King had headed. "Father has a point. Irulia can't be trusted if they conspired against him with inkblood, you know the danger. The fact that he waited this long is a testament to his wisdom."


"Finn," Aodh said sternly, "Tigris is right. You know the rules. The opportunity to strike down inkblood sympathizers doesn't come often. Father is wise to know that we can't squander it. If Irulia had inkblood flowing through it once, it might return. That can't happen. Irulia must fall."

The words had a strange quality to them. Tigris couldn't ascertain whether it was wise to condemn an entire nation for their previous views. But her father's rules on inkblood were staunch. He must suspect Irulia of continuing to use inkblood or some sort of wickedness.

A light in Finn's eyes sputtered, instantly making her feel guilty. She roughly shoved him towards Aodh.

"It doesn't matter now. Go read some other books, Finn. Or better yet, go practice at the gun range! Your form needs work!" Tigris called over her shoulder as she hurried after the king.

A/N This chapter is a bit short, but I couldn't resist the chance to add some sibling banter LOL. This is basically Finn being our favourite soft prince while Tigris and Aodh learn some truths.

Ngl, the more I write this, I think Finn would be a great king. It's also crazy how vivid the character's personalities are becoming. Who's your favourite character? And what do we think of the ambassador?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I forgot to mention that this book updates daily so hopefully this schedule's good :D

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