Chapter 34 (Roche)

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It was a very long night. As a maid, it was her job to pack everything the princess might need for the trip. Once the princess had gotten to bed, Roche had spent the night asking the other servants for locations of the supplies the princess would need. She spent several long hours finding food, clothes, and coins among other items. Not to mention she had to pack her own supplies as well.

She got back to Verita's chambers with only a few hours left to spare. Verita was already snoring away in her cot. Roche didn't have the energy to do anything but collapse into her bed, fully clothed.

Verita shook her awake a couple hours later, a tense worry in her eyes.

Not much could be said. Roche bathed and ate another bland breakfast in a few hurried gulps. Verita gave her a quick hug before she left, one of the few she'd ever given.

"Be careful." the librarian warned simply. Roche tried to flash her a smile.

"You know me. I'm always careful."

Verita snorted, but didn't have time to refute the claim. Roche had to go talk to the stablehands and prepare the horses. The sun was beginning to streak across the sky when the three royal children finally came bustling down the steps of the castle. The air was still in the morning, only a few servants running around to fulfill their nobles' orders.

Tigris didn't bother acknowledging Roche. She simply hauled herself onto her horse. Aodh ignored Roche similarly. Roche felt a wave of frustration bubble within her.

She'd been up all night preparing for their stupid journey, and this was the thanks she got?

A slender hand landed on her shoulder. Finn leaned against Roche.

"How are you doing, Roche?" he asked warmly, his eyes heavily shadowed. Roche drew her gaze up to the many castle windows. She caught Kai watching them, his lips pursed with worry.

"As well as you, I expect. Did Kai ask to come?"

Finn smiled ruefully. "Oh he begged me to. Said he didn't trust me to walk in a straight line alone. But he's still recovering. I'll not have him injured in my name again." His voice had hardened considerably with the last statement. Roche opened her mouth, but before she could reply, Tigris shouted,

"Hey! In case you've forgotten, we need to go!"

Roche scowled and Finn patted her shoulder sympathetically.

"Tigris is a beast in the mornings. Don't mind her. She's sent many maids running for her morning temper."

"Lucky me." Roche grumbled. Finn chuckled, hauling himself up onto his horse. Roche followed suit, and then they were off. It didn't take long to reach the city gates. Not long after that to reach the forest. Roche remembered when she'd first been on this path to enter the city.

She'd been in a cattle cart.

She wrinkled her nose. Not the classiest start to a new life.

They rode in silence for nearly half an hour. Then Finn piped up.

"Where are we going?"

Tigris whipped around sourly. "Where else? Towards Tribus."

"That's a five day ride!" Finn exclaimed. Tigris rolled her eyes.

"We know that, Finn! But that's the route we have reports of the inkblood taking. If they left their object of power, it's probably somewhere along that route. Now stop whining!"

Roche shot Finn a sympathetic look. "She hasn't had her breakfast yet, Prince Finn, don't mind her!"

Tigris whipped around in her saddle. "Another word and I-"

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