Chapter 54 (Tigris)

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Tigris gazed out her window pensively, bracing herself against the hilt of her new sword. The knights were stretched thin, only a handful of them would come with her tonight.

Finn's howls echoed in her ears. He couldn't be right. Her father was right, seeing the future was impossible. The tests had been a malevolent use of inkblood, there was no way Finn could know the future.

...could he?

Tigris shook her head. There was no point entertaining such thoughts. She had to face the Atrex, if that's what it really was. She'd made a fool of herself in court by questioning her father's judgements, she'd heard the press of the court's laughter. Normally, such things didn't cow her. But she'd genuinely believed Roche for a moment, that she didn't have to be the only female knight.

Even now, Tigris wished that Ivie could fight the Atrex with her. It was clear that the girl was talented, and if her swordplay was as good as Roche said it was, she had enough skill to be a knight.

Tigris shook her head again until it ached. She couldn't lament on these things. She'd been humiliated in court today and the only way to get her honour back would be winning the fight.

Muffled shouts seeped through the wood of her door. Immediately, Tigris was on her feet, tossing the wide doors open. But it wasn't a bunch of knights warning of the Atrex that awaited her.

Aodh stood behind the king, holding Ivie by the scruff of her neck. Ivie struggled futilely against him, gasping for breath. Her cheek was bruised.

"What is the meaning of this?" Tigris asked, and Ivie instantly relaxed at the sound of her voice. Aodh dumped her unceremoniously at his feet, his eyes gleaming with apology. Tigris' father pointed at the maid.

"Is this the Ivie you were referring to?" he asked.

Tigris nodded slowly, her brows furrowing. "Is everything alright?"

The king was already turning away from her. Down the hall, Roche skittered towards them, her jaw dropping at the sight.

"Take her to the dungeons!"

"What?" Tigris blurted out as the knights began to grab Ivie's arms. "Father, what has she done?"

"Do you not find it suspicious that this girl has claimed to save your life not once, but twice, against such a fearsome beast? And both times petitioned for a position serving you?"

"I meant no harm!" Ivie gasped, struggling against the guards tugging her away, "My lord-"

"If the Atrex is indeed a creature of inkblood, I have no doubt that this girl is responsible for it." the king announced.

Roche gaped at him openly, her eyes darting to Tigris pleadingly.

"Are you sure, father?"

"Do you question my judgement again, Tigris?" the king sounded more amused than irritated. Any resistance in Tigris left her in that moment. Her father wasn't going to take any of her claims seriously. Not until she proved herself.

"No, sire." Tigris replied numbly, ignoring the surprise that flickered across Roche's face. Aodh gave her an approving nod and followed the king out of the hall.

Roche ran up to Tigris' side immediately after, her face twisted. "This isn't right."

Her voice immediately irked Tigris. Couldn't the girl see that she had enough going on right now?

"Shut up, Roche. You don't understand what's happening."

"I do!" Roche insisted, grating Tigris' nerves, "You're riding out to your death and refusing to bring along the one knight that can help!"

"I don't need battle advice from you."


"Enough, Roche." Tigris finally snapped, her patience wearing thin. "I don't need any more suggestions from you! You made me look like a fool in court today with your stupid ideas. I don't want to hear another word out of you."

Tigris' body lit up with irrational anger as Roche frowned.

"You heard what Finn said! I'm warning you-"

"And I'm warning you, Roche!" Tigris shouted, her voice echoing down the hall. She ignored the hurt that immediately flared in Roche's eyes as the maid cowered back. Tigris' chest heaved with emotion, all of her fear and desperation bubbling to the surface. She turned away before Roche could see it.

"All you've done today is make a fool out of me. You made me believe-" Tigris stopped herself before she could finish the thought. She swallowed until her voice steadied. "Return to Verita. I have no need for your services."

"You're firing me?" Roche hissed, hurt leaking into her voice. Tigris ignored it, her fury burning too bright to acknowledge it.

"I can't have someone who puts nonsense ideas in my head at my side."

"It's not nonsense." Roche argued. Tigris spun around, infusing her gaze with all the rage she could muster.

"It is." Tigris whispered, watching Roche flinch. "Now get out of here before I call the guards."

Tigris tried to forget the betrayal that flashed in Roche's eyes as the girl fled down the hall.

Tigris tried to convince herself it was the right decision, but she couldn't fight the dread that was slowly seeping into her bones.

A/N: Sorry for the late chapter today, I actually left the house for once lol. I hope you enjoyed! As always, happy reading!

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