Chapter Eight

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'm starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. But, here I am in June and I'm still working on it.

Chapter Eight ... On the Ground, in a Hurricane


Early the next morning, Emmett, Rosalie, Lauren, and Tyler packed up the rover to head back to Mount Weather to track the hurricane. Edward went to tell Alice that she was going with them so she could be safe from the weather, riding with Jasper. Eric and Mike were rounding out the group, heading back to Mount Weather.

I was sorting through provisions in case we needed to hole up in the drop ship for the storm. I was also beginning to pack up the supplies that The Ark had sent down with us. Mainly, it was medical supplies and equipment that would be compatible with the items in their medical bay. But, their batteries hadn't been fried. I would have an actual state-of-the-art hospital, complete with x-ray machines, defibrillators, and anything else a doctor could possibly ever need.

Rose walked into the drop ship, plopping down next to me. "It's been too long since we've had a chat. I noticed that you and Cullen are buddy-buddy," she said bluntly. "Are you bumping uglies?" She gave me a grin, arching her brow.

"Really?" I deadpanned.

"Come on! You and Cullen were holding hands and acting all coupl-y," she said. "Are you and Cullen a thing?"

"If you mean together? Yes, we are," I blushed, closing the bins with the medical equipment.

"Are you with him out of guilt or are you really with him?" Rose pressed.

"We've always had this adversarial relationship. Don't get me wrong, we were far from close on the Ark. We mingled together because of our families, but we never took the time to get to know each other. He thought I was entitled, and I thought he was a jerk. When in reality, we are very similar. We were too stubborn to see it."

"But, he threw you in jail," Rose snorted.

"He's also the one who got us to the ground. With my mother's help, of course," I replied. "We talked about that the first night away from camp. He apologized and together, we're moving forward. Will it be all warm fuzzies? Probably not, but he's been here for me since he caught us trying to help Angela and her baby. He transferred to the prison to protect us. Pike and his cronies were as corrupt as the day is long."

"Emmett told me a little bit," Rose muttered. "Halsted had a hard on for you and was ..."

"Yeah," I gulped. "That's why Edward worked his ass off to get us down here, Rose."

"So, have you and Edward ..." she trailed off, looking at me expectantly.

"No, Rosalie. It's not like we've had any time by ourselves. We've kissed, made out a lot," I blushed.

"Any gropage? Pleasure?" Rose purred. My face flamed. "I take that as a no."

"Rose, I'm ... I've never done that," I admitted. "You know ... had sex."

"You are on contraception, right?" Rose asked.

"As soon as I hit twenty, I had an implant placed," I answered. "It's good for five years."

Most women had a contraceptive implant put in their bodies due to the situation with limited space on the Ark. When women were ready to have children, it was removed and with the help of science and a lot of sex, a baby was conceived. Usually, after the birth of the baby, the women would have their tubes tied or get another implant. Men would also have vasectomies, as well.

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