Chapter Twenty-Five

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'd starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. My goal is to finish the story for NaNoWriMo July Camp ...

This is the last regular chapter.

Chapter Twenty-Five: Mount Weather

Six Months Later


I was sitting in my office, go over reports from all the departments in the mountain. I knew I'd have to stop soon. My head was throbbing from reading too much. It was the only lasting effect from my brutal beating that I'd received at the Drop Ship. Well, that and I always knew when it was going to rain thanks to my broken leg.

"Put the tablet away, President Swan," Angela chided. "I see you squinting."

I blinked up to see the young woman who I'd helped on the Ark. She requested a permanent change to live in the mountain with her daughter. She also requested to be my personal assistant. She felt guilty about me getting sent to the sky box for her daughter. She wanted to pay it forward.

"I'll put the tablet away when you call me Bella," I argued.

"Apologies, Bella," Angela laughed. "Besides, you have a meeting with the council in ten minutes in the upstairs conference room."

"Full council?" I asked.

"The Ark is conferencing in," Angela answered. "We need to decide about the justice system. For the most part, people are making good choices, but we still have Jacob and his followers that need to be held accountable for their actions."

"Thanks, Ang. I'm going to swing by medical and then head up to the conference room. I need some of that tea to help with my headache," I explained, picking up my tablet. With a smile, I left my office and walked to medical. Austin was there, working with another one of the healers from Amun's tribe, Nahuel. "Hello, Dr. Marks, Nahuel," I greeted.

"Hey, Dr. Swan," Austin returned. "You okay?"

"I've got a headache from looking at my tablet for too long. I need some of that tea," I said.

"I'll get it for you, Dr. Bella," Nahuel offered. "Dr. Austin has a tendency to make it too weak."

"I'm working on the dosage," Austin snorted, turning back to his work.

Nahuel worked quickly, mixing a combination of medicinal herbs into a metal tin. He placed the small tin into a mug of warm water. He added a bit of honey with a flourish. "The tea can be bitter. They honey cuts the taste," he explained, handing me the mug. "Wait five minutes before you drink the tea, Dr. Bella."

"Thank you, Nahuel," I said, giving him a warm grin. "I'll bring the mug back after my meeting."

"Just bring it to the kitchen," Nahuel said. "I hope you feel better, Dr. Bella."

With another thank you, I left medical, carrying my mug of tea. Riding up to the larger conference room, I sat down at the table. Most of our council was inside, save for Emmett and Edward. I slid into a chair, inhaling the tea, and praying that the scent would help with the dull ache behind my eyes. "Working too hard, Bells?" Rose asked.

"It would be so," I said. "I just feel like I can't on top of the work. With a combination of my job as head of medical and the president of the mountain, I'm buried under paperwork, meetings, and everything else. I can't remember the last time Edward and I had a moment to ourselves."

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