XX. We Fucking Killed Chad

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   Chapter 20,
    We Fucking Killed Chad

  Mikaela stood with Alaska at the hospital, keeping an eye on the girl in case ghostface decided to come back and finish the job. The truth was that Mikaela couldn't stop her mind from running straight to Wes and his death, he died alone, nobody could have saved him, she felt like she owed it to him to stay with Alaska and protect her with her life. Miles left the hospital after helping the two girls but didn't say where he was going to go, not like Alaska made attempts to ask him anyways.

  Meanwhile the group had finally got to the theater, Kirby had met up with them last minute thanks to Mika calling her. Back up was going to be needed, but then again, everyone was a suspect. Daphne begged Danny to stay out and not follow them, she couldn't trust the people who surrounded her, not even him, besides she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she got him killed. 

  Kirby made sure to inform the group she had arrived at the theater before them, she wanted to clear the theater from any possible hidden weapons. 

  "So, this is the only way in or out. He steps through the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside." Kirby explained, she had booby trapped the door to keep them safe.

  "Any weapons?" Mika asked, she was eager to hold either a knife or a gun but Kirby shot that right down.

  Kirby was the only adult there who knew how to handle a gun correctly and use it when it was supposed to be used. Everyone decided it would be best to search the place, Camden and Mika went off somewhere while Kirby went off to search for any secret places. Daphne walked over to where Billy's shrine was and noticed his knife there, that's when he appeared.

  "Grab a weapon and clear this place out yourself. Just to be safe." Billy advised his daughter, Daphne looked at him and contemplated his words before opening the glass door up.

  Grabbing the knife he had used when he was murdering people left and right, Daphne put it in her belt loop. As the young girl looked around, she got a phone call from Wayne.

  "Get out of there Daph, nobody's safe. I heard from the Atlanta field office, they said Agent Reed's been on a downward spiral. Ever since the Woodsboro murders." Wayne immediately told the young girl, urging her to leave the theater with her sister.

  "What the fuck are you on about?" Daphne asked as she clutched onto her phone, looking around the theater frantically.

  "They fired Kirby two months ago for being mentally unstable. She isn't with the FBI!" Wayne raised his voice.

  Daphne's heart fell to the ground, as she rushed to the doors, she tried to open them but they wouldn't budge. Her next thought was to get Camden, and her sister out of there with their lives before they were murdered. 

 Speaking of the two teenagers, they were sitting in front of the little snack bar, talking to one another. Trying to distract themselves from the thought of dying tonight, keep in mind nobody tried to tell Camden or Mika or even Daphne that Alaska was attacked and fighting for her life.

 "When was the last time anyone has ever used this place. This is like a rat paradise." Mika stated as she chuckled, looking over the counter with Camden.

  The two had noticed an old box of Milk Duds and made a reach for them, only to pull back when their hands touched. Pretty cliche if you ask me, but it was also a little romantic.

  "You can have them." Camden smiled as he grabbed the box and handed it to the girl, Mika declined the offer and they went back and forth for a moment before going silent. 

  Camden looked down at Mika as her eyes kept flickering to his mouth and back to his eyes, in a split second they shared a long kiss. However, it didn't last long when Ghostface reappeared, stabbing deep into her shoulder. Camden grabbed Mika and pushed her aside before squaring up with the killer, pretty weird.

  As Camden fought off the killer, he grabbed Mika and ran for the door, only for Daphne to burst through, grabbing them both as they rushed through the halls. Ghostface was close by, jumping from behind the screen. Mika ducked and slid past him as Camden grabbed Daphne's hand to push her out the way. Right as Camden almost got a knife through his throat like Wes, he ducked and watched as the mannequin head flew off.

  "Beheadings!" The boy screamed as he rushed towards the ghostface, tackling the killer in the process.

 As the ghostface groaned a little in pain, Camden looked around him and grabbed the camera used in the first Woodsboro murders, courtesy of Gale's first cameraman. 

  "Smile for the camera motherfucker!" Camden grunted as he slammed the camera straight to his face before running off the girls.

   It had happened so fast, one minute Camden was winning the fight against one ghostface and then the next he was getting stabbed everywhere by two. Right in front of Mika and Daphne.

 "CAMDEN! NO!" Mika screamed as she tried to run towards him to help, but Daphne couldn't allow that.

 "Kae, if you're so worried, go to them. I'll be fine." Alaska muttered as she regained conscious, she was tired of seeing her best friend pace back and forth.

  "Are you sure Las?" Mikaela asked as she looked at the door of the room.

 "Yes, now get the fuck out and go save your sisters. It's what Wes would have wanted." Alaska smiled, Mikaela smiled back before rushing out of the hospital room.

  Wes would have wanted her to go and save her other friends, so that was what she was going to do.

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