Chapter I

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Bleep, bleep, bleep! Yurie half-sleepingly turned her body over the bed and silenced the blare of the alarm clock. With one eye open, she gazed over at the bright, green digits displaying the time- 6:00 AM.

She gave her limbs a well-needed stretch before getting up to prepare for her first day out in the wilderness.
It wasn't her usual preference, as she wasn't particularly inclined towards outdoor activities. However, since it was her friend's suggestion, she eventually embraced the idea.

Yurie made her way to the bathroom and attended to her personal hygiene before opting for some lighter attire, as the summer season could be quite unforgiving.

Every day, the girl was reminded of the sunburn she had endured last year when she forgot to apply sunblock to her left shin. The amber scar on her leg served as a constant reminder. After gently patting her hair, the young girl cheerfully descended the stairs and warmly embraced her grandmother, greeting her with a joyful "good morning!"

As she prepared Yurie's favorite breakfast, she greeted her with a cheerful "good morning, my sunshine" and gestured for her to take a seat at the table. Yurie obediently placed her phone on the table and soon, she set down two plates of scrumptious food along with two glasses of refreshing orange juice. They sat together and offered a blessing before indulging in their meal.

"I'll definitely miss your incredible cooking even if it's just for a week," Yurie mumbled, her mouth full of food. Breaking the silence, she asked, "By the way, did you remember to pack your bag before going to bed?" Yurie began to respond, but suddenly, a loud buzzing noise interrupted their conversation.

Yurie reached out for the phone resting on the table and glanced at the notifications. It was her friend, Christy, checking in to ensure Yurie hadn't slept in, as that was a recurring habit of her. Yurie promptly responded to her text message.

Christy: Hey girl!

Yurie: What's up?

Christy: Is it all right if I brought over my boyfriend, Jason, and three of his other friends?

Yurie: Umm, is this a last minute thing?

Christy: Actually I got the whole idea from Jason but they swore to stay out of trouble!

Yurie: I don't mind... wait is this another one of your schemes to hook me up with a guy?

Christy: Of course not! I am just being a good friend making sure you don't grow old and lonely =(

Yurie: I appreciate your efforts, but I wanna wait to meet that special someone for when the time is right, y'know?

Christy: You're right. Can't wait to see ya! Will pick you up at seven on the dot.

Yurie: Cya then =)

Yurie's face lit up with a smile as she carefully slid her phone into the pocket on her left side. "I made sure to pack plenty of sunblock and bug spray as well," she remarked.

Once they finished their meal, Yurie conscientiously washed her dishes and set them aside before making her way upstairs. As she walked into her room, she eagerly opened her closet and searched for her mother's old purple camping backpack, the same one she had used before mysteriously vanishing.

Yurie carried the weighty bag of items to the bathroom, hooking it on her arm as she quickly fashioned her hair into a ponytail. She didn't dwell too deeply on her parents, as she had only known them for a few days. Her grandmother never ceased to share captivating tales of their shared adventures, making Yurie feel as though she had known them all her life.

As Yurie made her way down the stairs, she heard a chorus of vehicle honks coming from outside the house. Her grandmother, sensing the commotion, handed her a bottle of mace and said, "Take this, just in case."

Yurie examined the bear spray in her hand and tucked it away in her pocket, appreciative of the gesture. "Thank you," she replied, "This might come in handy if we encounter any bears." In a hushed tone, her grandmother added, "Or any wendigo."

Yurie's grandmother had always been a believer in the supernatural, particularly in the existence of wendigo, whom she blamed for the disappearance of her daughter. The thought sent shivers down Yurie's spine.

After giving her grandmother a final hug and receiving a goodbye kiss on her forehead, Yurie grabbed her bag, opened the door, and made her way to the parked camper van borrowed from Christy's parents.

As she stepped outside, Yurie soaked in the warmth of the sun and locked eyes with one of Jason's friends, who opened the back door of the van and offered to carry her bag. Yurie waved goodbye to her grandmother from the window and then surveyed the occupants of the van: Christy, Jason, a blonde girl smooching a guy, and an unfamiliar face.

She looked around the van and spotted Jason in the driver's seat, with Christy seated beside him. Christy winked at Yurie, signaling that she had everything under control, pointing towards a blue cooler in the corner.

Yurie chuckled, saying, "Let's hope we don't get arrested before we even arrive." Christy rolled her eyes and replied, "Don't worry, one of the guys is twenty-one and can vouch for us." Jason enthusiastically asked, "is everyone ready to go?" The group reassured him, and the van slowly pulled away from the quaint little house.

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