Chapter XII

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Fast forward two years...

I mastered the way of how to hinder the regrowth of my ebony fur. My bond with Mason grew strong. I would set my untamed nature free alongside with him in the wilderness once on a blue moon.

I promised Elektra that we would feed twice a week to hopefully manage and regulate the impulse. To provide additional background, we initiated my idea of combating criminals -- doing the world a favour. Our intention was to operate under cover of darkness, striking at those who seek to inflict harm on others for their personal gain. In the end, it's a win-win.

Currently, we are engaged in the very activity of monitoring a man in his thirties. From an elevated vantage point, we have been observing him for several minutes. His name is Bobby Browne, and he is known for his record of abductions and killings of young girls who are of similar age to us.

Despite serving time in jail, he has returned to the streets and resumed his criminal activities, suggesting that his incarceration failed to deter him. Interestingly, he appeared to be engaged in conversation with one of my former classmates from my sixth-grade days.

He retrieved a piece of fabric from his back pocket and pressed it against the adolescent's mouth, tightening his grip around her neck. Almost instantly, she succumbed and lost consciousness.

My blood surged with heat as my fierce grip dug deep into the structure. Elektra gave the signal, and it was time to act.

Gore ahead, skip to the smiley face if you are sensitive to this!

With utmost ease, we descended the building, gracefully touching the sidewalk without making any noise. Marco positioned her body in the passenger seat, while we stealthily made our way into the back of his van, unbeknownst to him.

After closing the passenger door, he navigated to the driver's side, where he proceeded to unlock and enter the vehicle.

As he adjusted his grimy mirror, his eyes widened at the sight of my skull radiating with a golden glow, positioned in the back. Seizing this opportune moment, I swiftly struck, firmly pinning him to the seat with a powerful and relentless grip from behind.

In a swift motion, I used my talon to slash Marco's vocal cords on his neck, rendering him unable to scream. Despite his silent struggle, he could only suffer in silence. I eagerly consumed the scarlet liquid that trickled from his neck, feeling slight irritation as he wriggled, prompting me to swiftly break each of his limbs, one after another.

The sound of sirens approaching compelled me to consume him voraciously. With each bite, I watched his body convulse until only a hollow cavity remained in his torso.

After stepping out of the van, with the girl unconscious inside, I marked a red circle with four parallel lines inside on the side of the vehicle to alert the authorities about the perpetrator's demise.

This was just one of the numerous cases in which Elektra and I were involved.

I retreated into a nearby back alley and cleansed my bloodied body in a newly formed puddle from this morning's rainstorm.

In the beginning of my mission to remove the scoundrels, news outlets used to report on all my murder scenes.

However, nowadays, there is less media coverage, mainly because the police's focus has been on hunting down these individuals for a long period of time. Their attention seems to be less invested in my actions and blame the murders for wild animal attacks after all.

Despite not having any knowledge that we were responsible for these deaths, our grandmother has frequently been suspecting us and questioning our involvement. In order to avoid the truth, we have been dishonest and lied about our connection to the incidents.

My stomach churned for lying to her but I couldn't bring myself to face her and tell the truth.

While I was making my way back home, I couldn't help but notice a figure lurking beside one of the tranquil houses. Initially, I brushed off the presence of the shadow, but it slowly approached me until, illuminated by the moonlight, it revealed itself to be my boyfriend, Mason.

He always made that same entrance of rising from the shadows whenever we met up.

His gaze lingered over my appearance before he uttered, "Yurie, how have you been?"

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit", Elektra smirked.

"We just finished our business with some guy earlier."

"Do what you gotta do", he slinked behind me and wrapped one of his arms around me, planting a quick kiss on my lips.

"Mason, I'll be moving out from my grandmother's house soon," I informed him. His expression quickly changed to one of concern as he asked, "Are you moving.. like outta the country?" Letting out a light laugh, I reassured him, "no, no, just a few streets away. I could never leave Bayfield.

With a gentle touch, he wrapped one of my chestnut tresses around his finger and whispered, "I'll follow my beautiful Yurie wherever she may go. By the way, are you going to the annual Volksfest?

"I dunno. I went once when I was little but, not recently."

Me and grandmother attended the festival a few months after she silenced Elektra. She wasn't a festive person so I doubt she'd wanna come along. It'll be a date.

"You'll love it, there's games, fireworks, prizes, and rides. It's this Saturday and I really wanna go with you."

"Yeah, sure, I'll be busy moving Thursday and Friday but I'll go."

His eyes lit up. "Great! Do you wanna meet up there, or I can walk with you."

"I heard that it will take part in Woodland Beach. We can meet up at my new place and we'll get their our own way."

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