Chapter VI

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Flashback to July 1, 2007; Canada Day!
My husband has consistently expressed a strong desire for our family to embrace a lifestyle centered around the great outdoors. One where we would spend nights under the stars, engage in hunting activities, and rely on the bounties of nature. His burning passion for the outdoors was one of things I adored about him.

Upon the arrival of our newborn daughter, he was insistent on bringing her along on our initial family camping trip.

She came out into the world as a healthy baby, except she was born with a parasitic twin absorbed into her brain. The surviving twin was healthy apart from an enlarged skull. I desired to withhold the news from everyone, including my husband, in absolute confidentiality.

My husband acknowledged our child as "abnormal" as she hardly cried at all. Unpredictably, her noises manifested as piercing screams that jolted those around her. I persuaded him to love her unconditionally, despite her verbal flaws.

I initially opposed to camping and declined his request because our baby was only a few days old. He relentlessly begged me to go on this holiday all week until I eventually agreed on one condition - that is I had the dominion over choosing the campsite. He agreed to my terms, and we soon embarked on our exploration.

At the grounds...

We unloaded our gear from the vehicle. After, I looked up at the vibrant forest thriving with activity. I stole a quick glance at my daughter in the rear seat, noticing that her mood appeared less than stellar. I attempted to cheer her up by making exaggerated facial expressions accompanied by playful babbling noises. I regretted my decision as she let out her ear-piercing scream once more that sent any nearby critters scattering through the forest.

I sometimes blame our impulse that we shared for her screaming. My husband had no absolute hint of why I chose this campground. It's for the one thing that I couldn't live without. My daughter was simply unhappy because she yearned for that all too familiar sensation of flavour, as I do.

Human flesh.

Obtaining the delectable morsel by myself proved to be challenging and misguided. I was no serial killer. For months I have been anonymously purchasing frozen human meat - and a lot of it! I received my packages of it in large, glossy black boxes that were delivered to various locations. This time, someone dropped off the package for me to scavenge in this forest. As soon as I give her the meat, her heart will be filled with absolute delight!

With joy, I happily skipped along the rugged dirt trail, illuminated by patches of sunlight in front of me. I could almost taste the earthy air on my tongue.

My husband made an unconsidered choice to pick a small opening of land not too far from the vehicle. I politely stepped away, taking both myself and our baby with me. In search of the elusive black box that held the coveted rewards within. As I cradled my infant, I scanned through the foliage in search of the elusive black box. Suddenly, right before my eyes, the lustrous black box containing the delectable meat lay hidden below a bed of leaves.

My little one grew restless in my embrace and unexpectedly nipped at my arm. I wasn't bothered by her nip, but upon closer examination of her eyes, I observed a distinct amber glow within them. I gently placed my child on the ground and observed as she slowly moved towards the box.

I unsealed the box in in front of her and observed as she eagerly devoured its contents. As I closed my eyes, my baby transformed into a monstrous creature, marking the end of my final moments.


I felt a growing sense of anxiety as my wife and baby had yet to return. After completing the tent setup, my impatience grew as I eagerly anticipated going out to search for them.

I went in the same direction they went. I took notice to a red splatter on a nearby tree and walked towards it. As I beheld the harrowing scene, I came across my wife disfigured and fragmented, while my child sat amidst the wreckage, covered in blood.

I carefully lifted the baby into my embrace and allowed her to nibble on my arm, causing a small puncture that started to bleed. With amber eyes, she gazed up at me. After all, she was my cherished baby.

After being bitten by the child, I realized that I would soon be welcomed into the afterlife, I wasn't fated for heaven, my indifference towards this was evident. The insatiable desire to take life would consume me, leaving me forever transformed and disconnected from my true self.

After returning to camp, I carefully placed my baby inside the tent. Knowing that her grandmother would provide the proper care, I recognized that I could not fulfill that role myself. My baby deserved a chance to experience a normal childhood.

Deep down in my soul, I had a firm belief that she would eventually return to me. Yurie Crimlock, that was her name.

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