Hogsmeade , Narcissa and Sirius Black

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Visit to Hogsmeade

Cassi was filled with excitement at the thought of visiting the village of Hogsmeade. It was an opportunity granted to students from the third year onwards to explore the village, visit the shops, and enjoy some time outside the school walls on weekends.

Draco was determined to annoy her all day, making sarcastic comments and constantly provoking her. Cassi didn't hesitate to retaliate, delivering a few not-so-light slaps in response to her cousin's provocations.

"You sound like my mother," Draco complained, rubbing the area where Cassi had touched him.
"Then don't behave like a brat," Cassi retorted, lightly tugging his ear. But in a sudden gesture, she kissed Draco on the cheek, which made Pansy release a playful laugh.


Three Broomsticks

The Three Broomsticks pub was bustling with people, the sound of conversations and laughter filling the air as the atmosphere grew increasingly warm and smoky. Cassi found herself at the counter, grabbing some mugs of butterbeer from Madame Rosmerta, a woman of stunning beauty and generous curves.

Madame Rosmerta had long curly hair cascading over her shoulders, accentuating her femininity. Her expressive eyes sparkled with a hint of mystery, and she had a welcoming smile that lit up her entire face. The pub owner was known for her friendliness and skill in serving drinks with dexterity.

As Cassi reached out to take the mugs, her fingers lightly brushed against Madame Rosmerta's.

She gave Cassi an enigmatic smile and winked.
Finally, Cassi managed to gather the necessary mugs, feeling slightly disoriented from the intense eye contact with Madame Rosmerta when she felt the familiar tingling in her hands.

"Do you need help with that, dear?" someone spoke from behind her, their voice brushing against her ear. Cassi felt a mix of surprise and excitement as she heard that familiar voice echoing in her ear. She already knew that voice, she had dreamt of it more times than she would care to admit, and now she felt a second heart beating stronger with each pulse.

Setting the butterbeer mugs aside temporarily, Cassiopeia turned slowly to face the person behind her. Her eyes met a pair of grayish eyes with brown undertones, and she held her breath for a moment.

Narcissa Malfoy.

Cassi felt a slight shiver run down her spine at seeing her there, so close. "Mrs. Malfoy," Cassi murmured, her voice slightly breathless from the unexpected encounter. Narcissa let out a soft chuckle, exuding a natural elegance.

"Hello, my darling," Narcissa said, her eyes fixed on Cassi's. She studied the young woman for a few moments before continuing. "Let me help you with those mugs." Cassi nodded, a smile forming on her lips. She felt grateful for the woman's offer of help.

Narcissa gently took some of the mugs, balancing them skillfully , and walked alongside Cassi to a cozy table in the corner where their group of friends was seated. Her stride was elegant, and each movement was graceful, as if she were dancing as she walked.

Upon hearing Draco's call, Narcissa made her way to him with a radiant smile. Mother and son locked eyes, brimming with affection.

"Hello, dragon," she placed the mugs on the table, giving each one special attention, and then approached Draco, showering him with kisses on the cheeks. "Mother, please!" Draco exclaimed, embarrassed by the public display of affection, which elicited laughter from the gathered group.

Narcissa looked tenderly at her son, concerned about his still-recovering arm. She carefully inspected the wound, seeking to ensure Draco's well-being. The boy pouted, admitting that he still felt occasional discomfort.

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