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The sun gradually rose over Hogwarts, and the Great Hall gleamed with life and light.
Cassi walked breathlessly with each of the Black sisters by her side.

Some looked apprehensively at Bellatrix, but recognized that she had helped during the battle and fell silent after hearing Harry's words.

Voldemort's body was removed and placed in a chamber beside the Great Hall, away from the bodies of Colin Creevey and fifty others who had died in combat.

Minerva had restored the tables in the hall, but no one was sitting according to Houses: everyone was mixed together, teachers and students, ghosts and parents, centaurs and house-elves, and Firenze lay convalescing in a corner, and a giant peeked inside through a broken window, and people were tossing food into his smiling mouth.

Cassi sat on one of the benches with Draco, Narcissa, Bella, and Snape. Looking very weak, Snape joined them later, beside Lucius, holding his hand firmly.

"Thank you, Cassiopeia," He whispered.

"You're welcome, Professor," she smiled gently.

Noctua was assisting Madame Pomfrey with the injured.

Some people passed by them to express gratitude with admiration before moving away, probably fearing Bella but also thankful to her.
Neville, the Sword of Gryffindor lying next to his plate as he ate, was surrounded by a group with Luna by his side, smiling kindly. He waved awkwardly, still moved by Bellatrix's protective spell cast in his direction.

Peeves flew over everyone, singing a song he composed himself: "We won, crushed the Beast! Potter is brilliant! The Blacks cheat, but they're cool! Voldy is gone, so now let's have fun!"

She smiled at the ghost, who fluttered happily among the survivors.

A commotion of Ministry Aurors passing through the hall caught her attention.
Narcissa raised her head, which had been resting on her shoulder, looking astonished at Andromeda, who was hurrying over with a bundle held against her chest.

The sisters exchanged a silent glance and ran toward each other for a hug.

"Where's my daughter?" Andromeda asked in panic, looking around.

"Sitting with the wounded. Lupin got seriously hurt," Cassi explained, pointing to a group near Madame Pomfrey and her mother.

Andromeda looked at her lovingly and handed her the baby.

Cassi cradled Teddy in her arms, watching his shockingly pink hair turn blue.

"Hello, dear," she cooed softly to the baby as she rocked him. Narcissa stood behind her, hugging her and gazing at the baby over her shoulder.

"What a cutie," she cooed, brushing her fingers against the baby's cheek.

Andy smiled at them and observed Bellatrix, who was gazing at the child; she seemed hesitant to get too close.

Cassiopeia chuckled at her reaction before calling her over. She approached cautiously and looked at the baby's face.

Teddy opened his little eyes and smiled widely at Bella, reaching his fingers towards her.

"I think he likes you," Cassi teased, extending the baby towards her, but Bella shook her head in terror.

"I'll drop him! He'll fall and break!"

At this, Narcissa laughed and pulled her sister closer, positioning her arms so she could hold her grandnephew .

Bella picked up the baby somewhat awkwardly, her eyes wide as if she was afraid of accidentally hurting him.

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