A second war would begin

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Many rallied to help Hogwarts. Groups were forming to aid in the cleaning and reconstruction. They'd stay at the school for two days and then could return home.

Bellatrix did an amazing job in the Great Hall. Andromeda took charge of assisting Madame Pomfley.

However, Narcissa was the only one who decided to join Cassi in the library for the task.
She was focused on the restricted section. Taking advantage of Madame Prince's absence.

The bombing had brought down some beams, and now everything was completely dusty.

She may or may not have flicked through countless unnecessary books, using the excuse of being meticulous. But if anyone truly knew her, they'd realize she was using the opportunity to absorb knowledge about the dark arts.

Hands around her waist, snaking her body from behind, caught her off guard.
She leaned into the touch, melting completely.

"Do you need help, love?" Narcissa asked, almost purring.

Cassi smiled, tilting her head back on the shoulder of the older witch before turning her face and stealing a kiss.

Narcissa moaned contentedly, pulling her closer. Butterfly kisses were planted along the side of her neck.

"What are you up to?" she asked, observing the stack of books Cassiopeia was reading while cleaning.

"Nothing..." Cassi feigned innocence, looking at Narcissa with doe eyes.

"You don't fool me, baby," Narcissa laughed against her ear, nibbling the lobe with her teeth. "Naughty little witch, reading forbidden books when no one's looking." She clicked her tongue in mock disapproval.

Cassi laughed before responding, "Can you blame me? I saw you were reading too." She teased, raising an eyebrow.

Narcissa shook her head as she stepped back with a laugh and pointed a finger at her.

"I've got my eye on you."

Cassiopeia pretended to bite the finger in front of her before smiling and returning to cleaning the shelves with a cleaning spell.
She wasn't working as fast as she intended, constantly getting distracted by Narcissa's movements, wasting potentially vital minutes of work by gazing admirably at the woman.

Of course, Narcissa was always aware of the moments when the magic paused on the other side of the room, and her clear eyes evaluated every move. And there was no way she wasn't swaying her hips and leaning against the shelves more dramatically than necessary.

Clever witch. Cassiopeia wouldn't let it slide. She began to think of countless scenarios, not at all innocent, in which she kissed the older witch against every bookshelf in the library until both were breathless. Her sharp mind started designing ever more daring scenarios. Narcissa was now bent over one of the tables, and then she was leaning against a shelf, gripping her fingers against it as she precariously balanced on a ladder. Kneeling behind the back door, adoring the older woman as she deserved, her mouth making her scream through the hallways... And so it continued, each scenario growing bolder.

Long minutes passed until Narcissa finally broke.

She felt herself abruptly pushed against one of the more secluded shelves at the back of the library. Her body was turned unceremoniously to face the stormy eyes of Narcissa, and she innocently smiled at her lover.

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