Sixth year

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As they prepared to return to Hogwarts, a somber atmosphere hung over them. Bellatrix was clearly irritated and restless, displaying unpredictable behavior. The reason behind it was unknown to everyone.

On the other hand, Narcissa appeared more affectionate than usual, wanting to keep Draco and Cassi close at all times. However, Draco was not receptive to Narcissa's tight hugs, which almost suffocated him. So, Cassiopeia took on that role instead.

Without a doubt, she wasn't complaining as the older woman smothered her between her legs, closing her thighs around her head so tightly that she blocked her breathing. Hands gripping her hair tightly between her legs, keeping her mouth working on her pussy with dexterity.

"That's it my beautiful girl" she gasped in delight "Sush and good girl to mommy" she exclaimed in ecstasy as she cummed

Cassiopeia pulled away slowly, a wide smile, her face wet with fluids, hair dishevelled and chest heaving.

"I'll miss you, pet" Narcissa gasped, caressing her face.

"Me, my mouth, my ass or my boobs?" Cassi teased in a whisper.

"All of you, my dear," she said with devotion. "Your beautiful eyes, that wonderful smile, your laughter, your scent, and I forgot to mention your-" Narcissa whispered softly in her ear. lowering her hands between her legs making the girl moan as two slender fingers penetrated her swallowing the sound with a kiss.

"I love you" she whispered softly against the older woman's lips.

"Say it again" Narcissa ordered, her eyes closed.

"I love you" Cassi repeated slowly, panting, putting everything she felt into her words.

"I love you" Narcissa gasped between kisses, "My soul and my whole being cries out for you"

Cassiopeia sighed, trying to control her breathing as the woman fucked her, her fingers deliciously slipping in and out in a slow, precise rhythm "Narcissa." She gasped bringing her lips together briefly , sloppy, passionate. "I think I do des the first time I met your eyes"

"How much?" She questioned with a devilish grin making quick circles on her clit.

"I'd kill for you" Cassi giggled before kissing there once more. Head hanging back as an orgasm hit her hard.

Cassiopeia didn't lie when she said she
would kill.


Draco had a somber expression as he sat on the train. And rightfully so, the circumstances were becoming increasingly complicated, and he found himself facing the difficult choice of either reluctantly assassinating Dumbledore or facing Voldemort's hatred.

While Cassiopeia was immersed in a book about curse proficiency, she was called by Blaze to meet the new Potions professor. According to Blaze, as soon as the professor knew her name, his eyes lit up.

Upon arriving at the professor's compartment, Cassi was met by an older man, slightly bald but with an extremely friendly smile. In addition to the professor, there were a few other classmates, one from Ravenclaw and another from Gryffindor present in the compartment.

"Ah, welcome," said the professor joyfully, inviting them to sit. His eyes gleamed with enthusiasm.

"And you must be Miss Gaunt?" the professor inquired, extending his hand, introducing himself as Horace Slughorn.

"Cassiopeia Gaunt Black, sir. Pleasure to meet you," she replied with a friendly smile.

The professor blinked before smiling broadly. "Another Black?" he asked perplexed. "You know... I taught the whole Black family, except Sirius, it's a shame... Your smile looks familiar," He commented thoughtfully.

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