009: nothing's fun.

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THEIR TIME at the Wheeler house felt awkward after, Lucas stopped playing Atari once they came back, he pulled Max onto his lap when she brought over their junk food and when Mike and Will returned, they both had bright red faces and were only talking to each other which no one seemsd to mind, but then El sat down next to Dustin and only talked to him, smiling and asking him about Suzie.

Nicky glanced around then, taking in the whole basement and all the stuff, especially the posters hung up, the random fort and a little table far in the back of the basement that had some sort of board game on it. She didn't really quite know if it was but it looked D&D related, based off what she knows from Eddie. She sits onto the single chair by itself and just threw her head back, closing her eyes.

"Nick, you okay?" She quickly looked over to see El had came to kneel down by her, staring at her with those doe eyes that totally have an affect on her already, which is being literally weak in the knees. She smiles before nodding, "yep." She tells her right away and El hums, glancing away and at the others. Lucas and Max were in their own world, the Sinclair's arms around his waist and whispering into his girlfriend's ear quietly.

Dustin looked bored, playing Atari all alone now as Mike and Will were still only talking to one another, just grinning all big and goofy. She stared at them for a bit then glanced at El who's also watching them with a small smile on her face, a certain glimmer in her eyes. Nicky stared at the girl for a bit, getting a little confused as she glanced over at the two boys again before quickly looking away.

"I should be heading home now." She said suddenly as she stood up, "Eddie and I made plans when I saw he was back but I didn't wanna ditch you guys but then I remembered I see you guys all the time anyway." She said and Max quickly looked over. "Oh, do you wanna have another sleepover? Maybe this time at mine. El can come too." She says and Nicky glanced at El who smiled and quickly smiled at the blonde girl who nods. "Yeah. Sure, I'm down..." She glanced around then waved. "Later, everyone." She says.

She didn't have plans with Eddie. She had nothing, she's eating Twizzlers and smoking on the front porch at her place. She hopes and prays to God her neighbours aren't snitching fucks so Uncle Wayne doesn't find out. She probably ate half of the Twizzlers before heading inside to see a note, well, two on the refrigerator. Wayne is at work and Eddie is meeting with his old band members.

She rolls her eyes, tossing the two post-it notes onto the counter before walking down the hall to her room, eating more Twizzlers. She laid in bed, eating the rest of them and staring at the ceiling. She kind of wished she did have plans with Eddie today, she immediately felt lonely once she left from Mike's but she just felt awkward they're all friends and she's just the new person in their little group.

Eddie gets home around 7:30 that evening when she's just seated on the couch, eating the last Twizzler from her bag. "Hey little munchkin." He says and she furrows her brows at him. "Hey butt face." She says and Eddie laughs, walking over to sit down next to her. "You okay? You look..." He paused when he saw her face, and decided not to say anything as he just turns his head away.

"Nevermind." He whispers and she just glanced at him. "Did you ever have a crush on someone who you knew would never see you that way?" She asked quietly and he smiled, holding in a laugh as he brings his hand up to his face. "King Steve." He says and she grimaced. "Of all people?" She asked. "Yeah, no kidding..." He said quietly then sighed as he rubs his hands over his face.

"He was with Nancy, right? Wheeler's sister... um, I would just watch from afar then whomp, whomp, she left him for Byers' brother, Jonathan, and... I don't know, he kind of just was there. I always thought of helping him, talking to him, but I never did." He shrugs, glancing away and Nicky furrows her brows as she looked at him, crossing her arms.

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