013: you look tired.

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     NICKY HAS been spiraling for the past few hours over the night, realizing Max kissed her and she made the girl probably think she didn't feel the same way back. But she honestly doesn't know what to think either, she thought, "hey, maybe she likes me back? Maybe I'm the someone else," at first, but then she thought about the fact maybe Max is just going through something emotionally, like the fact she asked for a haircut from Nicky at first.

Standard shit people do to get over a breakup, haircut, or kissing someone, or whatever. It's the next morning now, she hasn't slept and was running off a bunch of caffeine, cooking a bunch of eggs, bacon and toast when Wayne comes out, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Morning, kiddo," he came over to the coffee maker and she looks over. "Morning. Hungry?" She asked and he just smiles at her, "yeah." He nods as he goes to sit at the table.

She brings over two plates with some scrambled eggs on them, with the bacon pieces too on the side and the toast which she set down with two forks and sighed, brushing her hair behind her ear as he looked at her. "You look tired... did you sleep yet?" He asked her, taking a sip from his coffee.

"No." She murmured and digged in, biting into her toast first then her eggs. "Why? Something bothering you?" He asked as he got to eating his breakfast the way he always does, he eats the eggs first, then toast and bacon last because he "likes to save the best for last." She just pushed her scrambled eggs around the plate before looking up at her uncle.

"Something sort of happened last night." She says and he hums, glancing up. "Something bad?" He asked worriedly and he shakes her head rather quickly. "No... uh, it was... something with a friend." She says and he raised a brow. "Hopefully not one of those boys you've been hanging with... I don't like them coming over unless it's all of you in a group." He says and she just sighed.

"No. It was... it was Max. Um, she kissed me." She says, the reason behind her telling him was the fact he knows, he didn't even have to find out, or be told by either of them, so she never really had to tell him about her liking boys, girls, anyone. "Oh." Wayne says, stabbing another forkful of his eggs. "And... what? You girls dating now or something?" He asked and she just looked down at her food.

"Um... no, actually." She frowned and bit the inside of her cheek. "She kissed me, I didn't react in time, I was kind of just shocked and then she just got up and left." Nicky says as Wayne is just nodding her head softly. "Nick. I didn't raise no cowards, you need to go and tell that girl you like her." He says as he takes a bite out of his toast now and she immediately looked up at him. "Okay, yeah, but... she won't want to talk to me." She says.

"She's probably embarrassed, not mad." Wayne simply says and Nicky sighs. "That's fair, yeah, but... I think I need to give her space for now." She says as she shrugs her shoulders. "She probably would turn me away." She adds and Wayne nods, glancing down. "I mean, yeah, it had to have been a big step for her, to kiss ya since she probably has feelings for you and whatnot." Wayne explains as he finishes up his two pieces of toast.

"Yeah..." Nicky says quietly, looking down and then grabbed his cup of coffee to take a sip which made him grumble and glare at her. "Nick." He says right away and she sets his cup down quickly. "Sorry, I just wanted a sip, I've drank like five cups throughout the whole night." She explains and he makes a disapproving sigh as he takes a sip.

After Wayne left that morning off to work, Nicky got to cleaning up almost immediately, cleaning the dishes she made from breakfast, she also sweeps and mops around, even took out the trash, when she saw Susan. The woman waved at her as she's also taking out a bag of trash as well, "morning!" Susan smiled and Nicky smiles at her, also waving back before heading back inside her trailer house.

She got back to cleaning, when she stopped during lunch hour to lay onto the couch and watch tv. She got tired then, her eyes getting droopy and really wanted to sleep but then she quickly sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Morning!" Eddie practically shouted at her when he entered the kitchen, approaching the fridge. "Morning." She says tiredly, rubbing her eyes before she stood up. "And also good night." She said, walking towards her bedroom.

"Good night?" Eddie says, sounding confused when he said it to his little sister, but doesn't question anything as she entered her room, shut the door and laid down. In an instant, she's fast asleep, laying on her stomach and snoring away. Around seven p.m., she's awoken by someone yelling her name, she groans as she rubs her eyes, sitting up.

"What?!" She shouted back as she sighed. "A guest is here for you!" It's Eddie, she can tell by the way his tone is in a sing-song tone. She got up rather fast, rushing out the room and down the hall. She's kind of surprised by who it is as she got to her brother, wondering who he's asking so many questions about school to. "Oh, hey." She said, surprised that it was Lucas standing on their front door step.

"Hey." He smiles and she just glanced at Eddie who's nodding softly. "Hey." Eddie says for some reason and Nicky rolls her eyes, pushing him out of the way. "Go away." She tells him and he just stuck out his tongue at her, but nevertheless, listened as he goes to his bedroom before Nicky turns back to look at Lucas, smiling again.

"What's up, Sinclair?" She asked, hands clasped together behind her back. "You okay?" He asked and she nods quickly. "Yeah, yeah, you?" She asked and he nods, glancing away before looking at her again right away. "Did you... want anything?" She asked, furrowing her brows with a small smile and he chuckles. "Uh, yeah, I just... um, I wanted to talk with you." He explains and she just nods softly.

This feels awkward. He just broke up with his girlfriend, and then said-girlfriend showed up on her doorstep just yesterday and kissed her. And now he's here, as well. "Um... is there anywhere we can talk? In private?" He asked and then there they were, in Nicky's room where she's seated on the edge of her bed and he's sitting awkwardly on her desk chair.

"So, me and Max broke up." He started with and she nods. "Max and I." She corrects him and he laughs, glancing down then sighed, looking up at her once more. "I just wanted to say... you'd have my blessing." He gestured to her and she furrows her brows. "Blessing?" She asked and he nods, smiling before snapping his fingers at him. "Yep!" He says and she just squints her eyes at him. "For what?" She asked and Lucas just furrows his brows.

"Max... broke up with me because she wanted to be with you? Wait, shit, has she not came and told you yet?" He asked and suddenly stood up. "Shit, shit, she's gonna kill me." He said as he covered his face and she quickly stood up. "Wait, wait, she... she dumped you?" She asked, grabbing his arms and he just quickly nodded his head. "And... it was to be with me?" She asked, pointing to herself and he just slowly nods now, a bit confused.

"Oh." She says quietly and he just pulls his hands away. "What, why? Why the "oh"? is that a bad "oh"? I'm worried, I fucked this up for Max, didn't I?" He said and she just looked away, processing the information. "Just shut up, Lucas." She said to him then she rushed out of the bedroom. "Wait, where are you going?" Lucas follows her quickly.

"To Max. Obviously."









authors note
i like drama. idk how to write the next chapter quite yet, i lowkey had an idea the whole time writing this one out but then i was like wait what if i just... idk, act silly

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