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Wednesday morning

Ella's pov

Yesterday, Mia and Jeremiah came back, I was happy, relieved if you want, but then, I remembered that we weren't on good terms and that I was a complete stranger to her.

This sentence kept coming back to me every single time I try laughing with my other friends,

this sentence broke my heart so bad and made me feel guilty for everything, she doesn't even sleep in the same dorm as me anymore, she was really telling the truth when she said that she didn't want me and Jason in her life anymore.

The same day

Jason's pov

She came back, she really came back, the second I saw her my heart had this weight lifted off my shoulders, but next to her, there was Jeremiah, all this joy that I felt for a minute, left in less than a second when I saw them holding hands.

I have never, never felt that way for a girl, why her? why the girl that I love hate me? why all of the other girls who I have 0 interest in love me?

I was always used to have them at my feet, but her Mia, she is driving me crazy, I was starting to feel better when she left, did she have to come back?

It's time for me to move on.

The same day(Wednesday)

Mia's pov

Debate class just started, I found an empty seat in the back of the class, when the teacher said, "today you will be working in pairs".I'm sure his British accent is fake.

Students started to move from their seats to sit next to their partner, everyone had a pair, I was alone, I saw a girl who was sitting alone too, she looked familiar, I went to see her, and I noticed that it was Ella.

I am still not used to her new style.

We weren't on good terms, I even told her that she was a complete stranger, for my defense, I didn't know it was her, but still, even if I had noticed that it was Ella sitting in the front with no one, I would still want to be her partner.

"Uh, hey" I said awkwardly, she was clearly shocked to see me.

"Uh, hi?"Her answer was more of a question.

"I see that you don't have a partner, want pair up?"I ask more enthusiastically.

"Hum, yeah sure" She said with a little smile.

We spend the hour trying to work without feeling uncomfortable.

I really want to be friends with her, sisters before misters, right?

I open my mouth to talk, but close it, I do the same thing again, without a single word coming out of my mouth.

"So hum, how are things going?"She asks. I am relieved that she said something.

"Great what about you?"I am not really liking this awkward conversation.

"Things are going fine" she said, her voice betrayed her.

And here we are again, the awkward silence invading the room.

Saved by the bell.

"Please leave your work on my desk before leaving" I'm sure his British accent is fake.

"Hum, I guess I'll see you at lunch."I tell Ella, I feel bad, this is all my fault, the way she looks, the way she feels, the way she talks.

I don't want to lose my best friend, and I don't want to lose Jason either.

I am really the worst person ever, I told them those mean stuff, I have been acting like a fucking bitch.

They didn't do anything wrong, they were in a fake relationship just because they want to be with their loved ones, and I fucked up.

I am the worst friend you could ever have.

I am going to make it up to them, right now, at lunch, in front of everyone.


We are getting very close to the end:)

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