CHAPTER : 06 The Grand Doro Festival (Part01)

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In Remel Medical Institute and Hospital

Previously, students have to study and gain the knowledge for how things work. They have to study every part of human beings for later use to treat or to research in future. Now these students have completed their studies, they have to show their aptitude and practice and make use of it.

Many people think that now is the time to sit leisurely as they have worked hard till now. But, that's not the case. Now they have to prove their worth to everyone and to show everyone that how beautifully they have carved themselves.

Zaidie and Chase buried themselves in their researches. They research their professor's and senior's reviewed topic to create new results from that same concept. Hundreds of theories, each theory has their numerous formulas and they have to do thousands of reaction on slides to get new and profitable result below the deadline. It is harder than it sounds.

Josiah and Elijah have to follow their seniors and professors in numerous surgeries. A patient never gets their breakdown in time. They have to get ready for any kind of emergencies. 

Evan, as a student of both majors, never had time for himself. In day time he does his surgical practice and in night time, it's time for research.

Now these students get to know as to why their new dormitories are that luxurious. They rarely visits them for use. Surgical students can be called anytime and researching students spend their most of the time in laboratories. They even sometimes sleep there.

Researching students are also doctors, to remain in medical practice, after completion of their assigned research, they have to take care of patients also as family medicine doctors.

Initially, students faced lots of hardships, get lectured, failed to submit their probation on time, hence got punished with extra work, faced countless sleepless nights and restless days with frustrated minds.

Gradually, they became used to their schedule.

The completion of practice period is around the corner.

These 2 years have molded them in their shape perfectly with a final touch. After practice period, they'll be selected by various prominent organizations, businessman, can also open their own hospital in either planet for public facility, can also remain here or can also join companies for research.

Practitioners period terminates with Grand Doro Festival.

It is a majestic event for the student's farewell with various activities. They can show their extra talents and rest students can enjoy it. It'll be held for 6 days. 

On first day are cultural events, every knowledgeable activity will be held like debate, painting, poetry recitation and speech.

Second and third day consisted of sports events like fencing, horse riding, taekwondo, archery, hiking, swimming, basketball, cricket, tennis, gymnastic, water aerobics, football and shooting.

The fifth day, everyone's favorite day held dancing, singing, role play, skit and stand up comedy.

The last day, Day 6, guest of honors are invited from prominent organizations and this concludes their farewell with medal distribution and medic's selection for discrete organizations.

These information is already known by students. And this concludes their farewell with Grand Doro Festival in a very conscientious way.

Students can take part in multiple events. Evan, just like the original storyline of the novel, took part in painting and on the spot topic speech for cultural events, gymnastic and team water aerobics for sports events and solo singing for the fifth day. He won many prizes but he got an accident on the fifth day due to which, his singing competition came to a halt.

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