CHAPTER: 19 Hiding Kid

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Zaidie now has escaped herself from a grave danger, somehow. The one she trusted and relied on has put her in that. She is thankful that she kept medicine with her otherwise she don't want to imagine the horrendous thing might have happened to her. She is fully aware that he wasn't the culprit but, her conscience isn't.

Kawan seemed to understand her thoughts and realize his mistake agreed, "Alright. I'll try with best of my ability."

Zaidie said, "Firstly, I want a sincere apology. I may not be able to forgive you now but I think I deserve it." Kawan nodded and motioned her to continue, "Second, I want 1 month's holiday. Not now as it isn't the right time but when I want and...", Zaidie paused. She doesn't seem to think of anything right now.

"Third? Do you want assets or something?", asked Kawan.

Zaidie got shocked for being misunderstood and said, "For your kind information, I am an independent person and able to get that myself. Third, I'll tell you later."

"Okay, I'll approve for your holiday, it won't be that much of hassle and...", he stood up, tilted his head downward, "I am sorry. Although unknowingly, I have wronged you. It is okay if you forgive me a little later", said Kawan.

Zaidie replied, "I accept your apology."
Then, Kawan left as Zaidie looked tired and needed rest.

For a few days, Zaidie was on complete bed rest. Everyone including Kawan came by time to time to check upon her. Initially, she couldn't even walk herself and needed help of her helper robot and today, she came to garden on an evening walk. She sat on a bench and Avi, her robot handed her blanket, "The wind is cold, please wear this."

Zaidie didn't wanted to cover herself with blanket over patient's dress in this weather so, she asked, "Why don't you bring my Jacket instead? Blanket would be troublesome."

Avi paused, thought for a while and said, "Okay, wait for me here, I'll bring it to you."
Avi left.

Zaidie was enjoying the serene atmosphere when, a small figure behind bushes caught her attention. She tiptoed there and whispered, "Hey! Why are you hiding?"

There was a boy, seemingly 8 years old with black hairs, light brown eyes with cute and beautiful appearance, upon hearing her voice flinched but soon, something hit him that she is a patient and seems to be hiding from doctor so, she won't disclose him.

He replied, "I am hiding with my mother and uncle."

Zaidie looked around and sat next to him, hiding as well and asked, "How much time has passed since you were here?"

He thought for a while and replied, "Around 2 hours." Zaidie's eyes widened. 'He is hiding here in this summer, for this long!' She eyed her temporary access band on her wrist and had an idea.

"I know a better place to hide from where no one can find us."

"Where is it?"

"I won't tell you", replied Zaidie with a smirk.

He seemed upset by her remark and turned around facing his back to her. Zaidie said playfully, "I'll tell you if you bring us some snacks to eat."

He said after a long pause, "I don't have money." Zaidie handed him her band and said, "You can take my access band."
He took it and left.

After sometime, he came back with a large bag which he was manhandling with both the hands.

"You bought a lot", said Zaidie looking at his figure. "I wasn't the one paying that's why", he replied.

Zaidie laughed and took the bag. She took it and it landed on the ground as she was too weak to lift it. She smiled awkwardly, "Let's carry it together by holding one strap each." He replied, "You are too weak. Fine."

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