CHAPTER: 26 Visual Data

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Zaidie was leisurely having her lunch with Evan then, a voice called her from behind, "Dr. Wade, don't you think you are bothering him?"

It's Sebastian.

Zaidie forced a smile, "Evan is not bothered by me, right Evan?"

Evan nodded hurriedly, "Yeah"

Sebastian said, "He won't agree to it as you are his friend but I can see it."

'This man!'. "Commander, in this situation, you are the one who is disturbing and bothersome", Zaidie remarked.

Sebastian pointed at the clock, "You see its 3:00PM. It is time for his medications and rest, right Evan?"

Evan smiled, "I...I'll take my medicine while chatting with...", Sebastian interrupted him in midway and said to her "You see, you should go now".

Zaidie clenched her fists and glared at him, 'This jerk! I'll go for now but I'll come back'.

Sebastian glared back, 'I won't let you!'

After having lunch with Evan, Zaidie decided to continue her search on Greymoss.

Evan's injury was luckily on his thigh and not on the knee. If that would have happened, his injury might have taken a lot of time to recover. Now, he can walk by himself but alas...
the male lead.

He isn't leaving any chance and is taking advantage of this opportunity considerably. But, as a proficient surgeon, he can't be kept hidden for long.

So, if needed, he is obliged to treat those patients and at most, had to perform surgeries as well.

However, one thing always had bothered Zaidie's time with her precious friend which is- Sebastian.

He always interrupts her whenever she is with him. At a moment in a fit of rage, Zaidie said, "If you always act like this then mark my words lizard, he'll leave you one day!"

Sebastian got furious, "Huh! If I am a lizard then you are a wild cat."

"You lizard!"

They always bicker like sworn enemies.

Evan sighed, 'What am I to do with these two?'

As for Zaidie, her wound couldn't hold her back from doing what she wanted. She treated her patients as usual and did her search on Greymoss. But, now her temporary residence has a frequent visitor.

Of course it is Kawan.

After he came to know that Zaidie wanted to resume her work, he refused instantly. To persuade him that it is her job and she couldn't sit idly watch like that, he agreed on the terms that Kawan would put her to sleep until her nightmare problem was solved.

Zaidie wanted to refute but Kawan adamantly said, "There is no room for discussion. You cannot compromise your health by continuously having nightmares."

Zaidie had no choice but to agree.

But, nothing is unusual besides that. She was flustered at first day but soon she became used to it as what he simply does is hold her hand, chat a little until she falls asleep and leave quietly after his work is done.

In the meantime, Zaidie started her search regarding the Greymoss. As she was the only one who had seen that strange Greymoss, she wasn't sure of whom to trust so, she is doing it quietly.

First, she went for visual evidence- CCTV.

Although that was a deserted corridor, it still has CCTV camera. So, even if the footage was a little hazy and distorted, it still can be used.

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