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"Actor Park Jimin who is the youngest son of the Bangtan enterprises is currently in the hospital for accidentally drowning. The reason of the accident hasn't been made public yet. His fans who were excited to see him again on the screen are devastated and demand to know his condition, unfortunately no updates have been received and the fans can only wish their......."

The TV screen flickered in the dark room. The man in front of the TV had crazy red eyes as if he had been staring at the screen for a long time. He wore a blue silk robe that came down to his thighs and his raven hair was messy. He stared at the screen as if that would make the news come faster. In the dim room it wasn't very clear but the entire room was filled with Jimin's pictures and articles. Anything that had Jimin's name on it was pasted on one of the walls. Not only Jimin but anyone that was even vaguely related to Jimin could be found on the wall. At first glance anyone would think the man was an obsessive fan but that couldn't be any further from the truth....

The man picked up his beer can and walked up to a photo of Jimin and Taehyung walking out of the marriage registration building. He lifted up his hand and with a slender finger caressed Taehyung's face in the photo.

"I won't make you wait much love."

A gentle adoring smile appeared on his lips as if it was a flower that had just bloomed, beautiful and full of hope.

He was pulled out of his fantasy when the phone rang...


"Boss! everything has been prepared just as you requested."

"Good...I'll be waiting for the good news.."

" But Boss I have already tried to go three times but that bastard Taehyung doesn't leave the ward.."

"How dare you call him bastrad!!! Do you even know who you are talking about..."

The person on the other side of the phone realised his mistake and hurried to make up..

"Of course of course Boss he is our soon to be other boss. The boss's husband is also the boss. I am sorry I have no brain please forgive this bastard I deserve to die..."

The man sighed, he couldn't get angry at Quill for very long he was an idiot but he did all his dirty work without a question. Although he won't say they are friends but he had known Quill almost his entire life, they grew up together and he would admit Quill knows him the best.

"Just do the damned job and come home soon. I am horny."

"Yes boss."
Jimin laid in the bed just like he did a days ago. Hoseok's eyes were blurry with tears, he had been crying the entire flight and even the ride to the hospital he couldn't stop crying. Now after he read the content of the 'suicide letter' he was a mess.

"Who the hell told him about Jungkook?"

"Was it you?"

Hoseok pointed a finger at Taehyung

"Do you hate him so much that you want him to die? He was divorcing you wasn't he? You don't even have to see his face again so why did you do that to him?
Could have lived happily and my brother would have moved on he he....."

His expression changed as if he realised something and in an instant Hoseok pounced on Taehyung who had his head low and hadn't seen Hoseok's coming fell back on the floor. Hoseok was on top of him grabbing his collar seething with rage.

"You bastrad you want him to suffer just like you are... don't want him to move on and live a miserable life like can't be happy so you don't want him to be happy....that is why all this time you never brought up bastrad."

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