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Park Jimin had only ever acted as a supporting actor in only one TV show a long time ago. People would say he didn't even debut properly which is why not many people knew about him but after that day his name was in everyone's mouth. No, it was because of any great talent he had shown but it was because of a single photo. His and Yoongi's face were posted by every single media outlets available in the entire South Korea.

Agustd was the biggest and the most popular producer anyone could name and so being entangled in a dating rumour with him may not be the best idea. Moreover he was a man.

It's been a decade since the same sex marriage had been legalized in the country but that doesn't mean the society has accepted it. The younger generations maybe but the older generation still thought of it as some unnatural and inhuman and unfortunately South Korea had more older people than younger.

Jimin's Instagram that had only about 15k followers a day ago had now crossed 10 million. Jimin watched as his comment section of all the media he ever posted was filled with ridiculous comments. A lot of homophobic comments but mostly a lot of people who hated him for 'stealing Min Yoongi' from them.

Jimin watched his life fall apart again as he sat and did nothing. All morning he felt numb, he didn't even feel anything when his brother called him to inform that nobody wanted to sponsor his team. He didn't feel a thing when the company's PR team contacted him to explain what they were going to do.

Min Yoongi was already very popular even if there were rumours about his sexuality he won't be affected as much as Park Jimin because people didn't know him and he was the easier target, he could be easily erased from the internet.

The whole afternoon passed by in uncertainty. He watched his team practice wholeheartedly even if they knew they might not get to perform on stage. Jimin was expecting the show production to call him and cancel his appearance but the whole afternoon passed and nobody called.
There was still some hope.

Around 4pm his agent called him to let him know that there was infact a game company who would like to sponsor his team and final the tears fell. Maybe it was the tension and stress he had been feeling the whole day but Park Jimin finally broke down infront of everyone. He was so thankful that his team's hardwork wouldn't go in vain and they actually had a chance to perform. His team saw him breakdown and even though they hadn't known him that long they came huddled one by one and gave him a big group hug, the beautiful scene captured by the camera which could warm anyone's heart.

By 7pm that evening his company had finally released a statement strongly denying any romantic relationship between the two. They stated that Park Jimin and Min Yoongi were childhood friends and they also provided old photos of them in their school uniform to prove that. At the very end they also released the CCTV footage of Jimin and Yoongi's meeting that night. The footage wasn't the clearest but it was clear that the photo was very misleading and in fact the interaction between the two males wasn't romantic but very wholesome.

The netizens freaked out comments like

'I knew Yoongi wouldn't disrespect his fan.'

'I am sorry I doubted You.'

'I already knew..I mean look at him how can a person who is this good looking be so evil at heart..I am his fan now.'

'so it turned out they are brothers.. sorry sorry my bad. Park Jimin I am sorry for saying that you are a useless gold digger.'

Were everywhere.

Some CP fans were disappointed but they were still thriving.

'known since middle school... Omg they are childhood sweethearts.'

'pure and innocent childhood love.. I wish I could have that.'

These types comments were few and far between but not nonexistent. Most netizens were just happy they got never seen before photos of Min Yoongi from his childhood and discussed how cute he was. In an interview a long time ago when he was asked about his 1st love he had responded saying it was in his middle school and that person didn't love him back. So now netizens were discussing how it was unfair that he was rejected even when he looked so adorable in middle school.

As quickly as it came the storm of rumours went away....and everyone prepared happily for the stage performance.

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