Chapter 12: Family (Rewritten)

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A Light Fury was pushed to the ground almost immediately by a male Night Fury. "B-Blackout! Help!" She said. "Stardust! Leave my mate alone intruder!" Blackout shouted, coming to Stardust's rescue.

"Oh good. Another Night Fury traitor other than Shadow." Blackout's eyes widened. "Shadow... what did you do!?" He yelled, remembering the small Night Fury cub named Shadow.

"You should be asking him that. He betrayed all of dragon kind and are living with some other rebels who are trained by humans. The very species who killed our family." Nightstar said.

"You're a monster. You keep your own sisters Twilight and Comet prisoner and you torment your twin. You caused Shadow to rebel and I understand why he rebelled. No one would want to have a brother like you." Blackout snarled.

"Don't talk about that!" Nightstar said. But Blackout knows why. He's scared, scared that his brother would betray him again and he will lose everything he holds dearly. Nightstar slashed Blackout, who was sent to the ground by his slash. "Go Stardust! Go and get the eggs somewhere safe!" Blackout shouted.

"But what about you?" Stardust asked, fearful for her mate. "I'll be fine. If I don't make it, I'll see you in the heavens, My love."

"I'll be waiting." Stardust whispered.

Stardust got the eggs and flew off

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Stardust got the eggs and flew off. Blackout sighed in relief and turned to face Nightstar. "This will be a cinch. You were never good at fighting." Nightstar smirked.

They went at each other. Nightstar slashed Blackout's throat, and Blackout collapsed to his side. "Don't....let....him get...the eggs." Blackout said weakly and closed his eyes for the last time.

Meanwhile with Stardust, she flew to a sea stack. She looked around to make sure no one was going to hurt her eggs, then she walked away from them.

She hated having to abandon her eggs, but she knew she had to leave to protect her mate. "You may never know me but always remember, I am always with you even if you can't see me.  I am with you in your hearts forever my treasures."

Then Nightstar found her. "Hello, Outcast!" Nightstar shouted. "My name is Stardust and where is my mate?!" Nightstar smirked. Stardust gasped in grief and went on a rampage.

Then Nightstar waited until she was worn out and then made his move. Then he saw Shadow come over. "Nightstar! How dare you!" Shadow shouted. "I am not going to let you crush these innocent eggs Nightstar!"

Shadow struck Nightstar across the face and took the eggs and flew off while Nightstar was wounded, and Nightstar growled. "Checkmate little brother..." Nightstar snarled.


"More eggs?!" Cutter complained as, very recently, he just had to deal with being a role model to three small dragons who love the color yellow.

"Yes, but these ones me and Shads will take care of," Winger volunteered. Shadow smiled at the Swift Wing.

"But why..." Dak questioned, then looking at Winger with a baffled expression. "You are in love with Shads and you didn't tell me?!"dak yelled.



"Everything." (Reference to Race to the Edge)

Winger and Shadow went a bright red as they glanced at each other, then back at the group. "Okay fine.. we are gay." They revealed in embarrassment. "That's awesome! Congrats!" Dak congratulated.

"Don't be embarrassed, sometimes people CAN be LGBTQ+ and they'll still be our friend." Summer said as Shadow glared at her.


Summer stopped to think about what she said. "....All the time," she quickly covered it up. Shadow rolled his eyes. "Well, guess you two lovebirds are taking care of these three eggs now. Have fun!" Cutter said as he flew off.

"Will it hurt to lose one member of the Rescue Riders?" Shadow whispered. "Yes," Winger whispered back.

Later, Shadow was circling the eggs to keep them warm, while Winger was smiling lovingly at his boyfriend.

Then they saw the eggs hatching. "Guys! Guys!" Shadow alerted the others, and they came to see the eggs hatch into 3 baby Nightlights, who were looking around very curiously.

"Awwww! Nightlights!" Leyla cooed. Dak sent her a quizzical look. "Nightlights are the offspring- or babies- of Night Furies and Light Furies." Leyla informed her brother.

"Ohhh... right... so obvious." He said, Kira sending him an emotionless look that said Are you dumb?!?

The first one was a black Nightlight. He was a boy. He had green eyes and he was darting like an arrow. He was the oldest, and Shadow already figured out that he was going to be cocky growing up, and a lot to deal with.

The second one was both black and white, it was a girl, she had black scales with white markings all over her body, and she was the middle. She had blue eyes.

The last one was a white Nightlight. He was a boy. He had green eyes as well. He had white scales and black markings all over his body.

"Cuuuute," Leyla cooed. "I just wanna squeeze them. But I can't..." Leyla complained. When seeing Dak, Leyla, and Kira, the youngest was frightened and ran to hide under Shadow's tail. Winger chuckled.

"We have to name them." Summer smiled. "How about Eclipse for the girl?" She suggested. "Dusk for the black one." Cutter suggested. "And Dawn for the white one." Kira added.

"Perfect. Eclipse, Dusk, and Dawn welcome to the world." Shadow smiled, and remembered the day he was born.

He opened his eyes seeing two other small dragons at his side(Twilight and Comet) A female Night Fury bigger than him( Moonshine) and a male night fury about the same size (Nightstar) looking down at him.

"Let's name him Shadow. What do you think girls? And Nightstar?"

"I think it's adorable!" Twilight cooed. "It's cute" Comet scoffed. "I guess, if you guys like it it's fine." Nightstar shrugged. "Chin up bro!  I like it too!" Moonshine nudged Nightstar's side, who glared at him.

The flashback ended, with Shadow looking down at the triplets proudly, and nuzzling Winger, who nuzzled back and licked Shadow on his forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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