Ch 14

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Chapter 14 

Zhou Yanyao looked at his daughter.

The girl stood in front of the mirror, ecstatically communicating with the chief tailor about the details of the dress design, her eyes gleaming with unprecedented confidence.

Since the college entrance examination, she has really changed a lot, but she still seems to be her.

In fact, his daughter has not always been timid and reserved.

Zhou Yan deeply remembers that Xiaochan was very talented when she was just learning painting, her works were always amazing in the industry, and as a little girl, she always happily held the trophy and begged for rewards from herself.

The gleam in her eyes at that time is as it is at this moment—intoxicated and proud.

Much like her mother.

But how long has it been since my daughter was so blatantly happy? Half a year, a year, or never since the second year of junior high school?

There was no conclusion yet, but Zhou Yan's thoughts were interrupted.

It was Song Zhi who learned that Gao Ding was all handmade and would have to wait at least a few months, Shu Er turned to look at him and said, "Dad, I want to pick out another dress for the dinner party." With her real identity,

this It's a bit overkill to ask for more or less.

But Song Zhi has his own research.

It suddenly occurred to her that, with the strength of the Zhou family, Zhou Yichan's exquisite style and her secret affection for Chen Yan, maybe the girl would not wear repeated dresses to this birthday party at all.

Always be right just in case!

The girl's eyes are pure, and she has a kind of conviction that he will definitely agree, just like she was asking for rewards when she was a child.

Zhou Yan smiled, as she wished: "You can buy whatever you like."

Forget it.

It doesn't matter if his daughter becomes better or worse, at least, at this moment, he doesn't want to destroy anything.

Zhou Yan didn't ask anything in the end, he indulged his daughter's abnormalities today and satisfied all her wishes. After the customization, he led his daughter, who had achieved a lot of success, to the next stop of the coming-of-age ceremony.

The man didn't specify his destination, and Song Zhi didn't ask any questions, but just enjoyed the sunset through the car window comfortably.

Classical white buildings retreat rapidly, and the sunset on them flows along with them, like flying light gauze, and flowing like a river of gold;

Just like the world in a fairy tale picture book shines into reality.

Song Zhi grew up with the illusion that he had become a princess.


she and Zhou Yan arrived at the restaurant, and were led to a crystal palace by the waiter.

A real Crystal Palace, not a metaphor.

The waterfall-like crystal curtain dragged from the top to the ground, encircling the entire circle magnificently, separating a palace abruptly in the center of the room. When Song Zhi moved to the entrance of the curtain, the entire crystal was suddenly lit up, as bright as stars, and every twinkle seemed to say "Welcome" to her.

On the white table in the green space, a cluster of pink roses bloomed enthusiastically in the center, and the white light reflected from a certain crystal goblet dazzled Song Zhi's eyes.

The girl stood still by the table, staring at the dream in front of her in a trance.

Song Zhi remembered watching "Cinderella" when he was a child. People of the same age dreamed that one day they could walk into the castle and meet their prince, but she fantasized about opening the door of the castle, and there was her father inside.

Now, Zhou Yan brought her, a counterfeit daughter, to this crystal palace, and she really felt that her dream had come true.

But it turns out that she is not a princess, but a Cinderella.

"What's the matter?" Seeing his daughter not sitting for a long time, Zhou Yan asked her softly, "Do you not like it?"

He explained to her: "It's a little bit private, but according to statistics, this restaurant is the one that girls want to visit most on their birthdays. A family."

Song Zhicai shook his head heavily as if waking up from a dream: "No! I don't like it! On the contrary, I like it too much. I just didn't expect you to create dreams like this." Zhou Yichan accused him of being rigid and like a robot since childhood


Zhou Yan didn't realize that Song Zhi's behavior was abnormal, and responded to her humorously: "You misunderstood me too much. I said that we also understand romance when we study science and engineering." Then, he came to her and

personally Pull out the chair for her: "Little princess, please sit down."

As soon as Song Zhi was seated, the waiter poured red wine for her, but did not give her a menu. It is estimated that Zhou Yan has already arranged Zhou Yichan's favorite dishes.

Thinking of this, she was coerced by complex emotions of envy and regret, but she tried her best to resist these real things and let herself continue to sink in her dreams.

High-end French dishes were presented one after another, like finely crafted works of art, but Song Zhi had no intention of appreciating and tasting them.

At this moment, she found that she was more interested in the people who arranged it than in these flashy luxuries.

After holding back for a long time, Song Zhi finally said boldly, "Dad, can I ask you a question?" "

Say it." Zhou Yan immediately put down the knife and fork, wanting to listen carefully.

Song Zhi then asked, "Why are you so obsessed with persuading me to study mechanical engineering?" She

wasn't sure if Zhou Yichan had ever questioned her father, but after getting along for more than half a month, she felt more and more that Zhou Yan was not really a professional. |Repressive person, she is really curious about his thoughts.

Zhou Yan suddenly fell into silence, and looked at her quietly with his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Song Zhi was slightly nervous, thinking that the father and daughter had had similar conversations before, and they were about to make love, but the man responded again.

Zhou Yan said: "Father probably didn't tell you that I actually came from a technical background. I joined the school team when I was in college. At that time, there was still a big gap between domestic auto and foreign countries. In order to win the world championship, It took our team four years to cross. From scratch, from a part to a car, is a wonderful journey."

When the man mentioned these, he was full of mature and wise charm: "From choosing this From the day I majored in it, my goals in life became clearer and clearer, and science is very real, and it will reward you as much as you put in." He finally told her: "

Xiao Chan, have goals and live in reality, yes It's very important for one person."

Song Zhi knows that Zhou Yan owns the most famous car brand in China, and he is the first person to eat crabs in the field of new energy vehicles.

The man only spoke a few words, but she seemed to glimpse the establishment of a dynasty.

To be honest, Zhou Yan only needs these words and his last sentence to impress her, and he doesn't even need to take her to the racing scene.

What he said was actually a bit vague, but Song Zhi resonated, she understood the sense of reality he was looking for.

In recent years, mother Song Yumo has been indulging in the illusory world she constructed, and Song Zhi was deeply hurt by it, so when she divided arts and science into subjects, she resolutely chose science.

She is fed up with unreal, she wants real, a worldly real.

So she can understand Zhou Yan very well.

But someone as romantic as Zhou Yichan may be hard to understand.

Song Zhi was moved, but she couldn't give an affirmative answer. She couldn't give Zhou Yan's daughter the illusion that she was loose.

After thinking for a moment, she concealed all her thoughts and asked sharply: "But, I may not have no goals and truths when I study art, right? Art comes from life. As long as I work hard in this field, I can still get what my father said. In the final analysis, Art and science are just two different paths."

Zhou Yan was speechless, he knew his daughter was right, but he would not admit it.

Many years ago, his wife, Zhou Yichan's mother, also described to him the romance and reality of creation with great vigor. At that time, they all believed in it very much, but in the end everything went to decay and irreparability.

Zhou Yan does not want her daughter to repeat the same mistakes.

But he must not use her mother as an example to persuade her, he had a hunch, if that would only be more counterproductive.

After a long time, Zhou Yan only said: "I admit that I am a vulgar and selfish father. There are two paths in front of me. I hope my daughter can take the one that has been practiced and is less risky." The father actually admitted

his Selfishness.

However, Song Zhi found that he didn't hate him because of it. Instead, she liked him even more.

Maybe it's because of an indifferent and indifferent mother like Song Yumo, she has a morbid yearning for a control freak parent like Zhou Yan who cares about everything.

For many years, Song Zhi could only rely on his own trial and error, struggling through the setbacks and pains of growing up. Many people are like Zhou Yichan, envious of her freedom like the wind without being controlled by her parents, but fighting alone is too hard and lonely, she is only a child, she also wants to have arms to escape and rely on.

For a moment, she even thought crazily: It would be great if Zhou Yan was really her father.

Realizing what kind of fantasies were sprouting, Song Zhi felt startled.

If you continue to indulge your selfish desires, things may develop in an unpredictable direction. She stopped in time and said abruptly: "Dad, the restaurant you chose is too sweet." Zhou Yan paused slightly


My daughter is the one who can eat sweets the most, so even though this Michelin restaurant has mixed reviews because it is too sweet, he still chose this place. He knew that what others were dissatisfied with was exactly what his daughter preferred.

But now my daughter says it's too sweet.

Of course Zhou Yan was surprised, but only for a moment.

He believes that the implication of his daughter is to tell himself: The road you choose is too flat and boring.

She is still resisting.

After many years of lobbying failed, Zhou Yan did not insist on it for a while. Instead of persuading, he gave affirmation: "If you don't like it, just tell me, it's very good. Dad accepts your suggestion, and strives to make the future taste more suitable for your preferences." After a pause, he was serious

again Tell her calmly: "After all, my daughter is growing up rapidly, and now she insists on herself and knows how to refuse. Dad is very proud of you and will grow up with you." Song Zhi was suddenly taken aback, and his heart was instantly sour


"I'm very proud of you."

Song Zhi had been looking forward to this sentence from his mother for eighteen years, but the other party would only say "you know something" to her. She never expected that now, she would hear it from "father". And this father will seriously respond to her casual complaint, he respects and values ​​you equally.

What I once wanted but couldn't get, seems to be satisfied in this instant.

Moisture popped out of the corner of his eyes, Song Zhi raised his hand to quickly cover it up, then got up suddenly and walked towards Zhou Yan.

Song Zhi personally poured a glass of red wine for the man, then returned to his seat, held the glass in both hands, and respected him solemnly face to face: "Dad, thank you for all the affirmation you have given me, it is very important to me." She told him: "I will always remember today

. "

Because of this day, she fell into it and regarded Zhou Yan as her father.

Zhou Yan didn't feel any difference that her daughter was so grand, she just regarded it as a sense of ritual for a young girl in adolescence.

He raised his glass to respond, jokingly said: "How do you say that it looks like you are going to travel far away? The ugly thing is the first, even if you are 18 years old, if you run away from home again and don't return at night, I will still teach you a lesson."

The man inadvertently told the cruel truth, Song Zhi smiled and said, "But sooner or later I have to travel far away, maybe I will go to the north to study in college, will Dad be very reluctant to part with me at that time?" Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment,

he I always feel that my daughter doesn't seem to be joking.

For some reason, the brave, tolerant, and sensible changes my daughter has made recently are all emerging at this moment. He thought of her sudden interest in racing cars, and of her willingness to go to Chen Yan's party, including tonight, when her daughter, who had never wanted to be with him, suddenly opened her heart to him intimately.

It's like growing up overnight, but it's also like changing your gender.

In particular, at this moment, the daughter also said, "I will travel far sooner or later."

As if she couldn't wait to leave, as if she would never be Zhou Yichan again.

Zhou Yan keenly sensed something was wrong, he didn't answer his daughter's question, but said: "Xiao Chan, can you answer Dad's question first?"

Song Zhi was in the trivial happiness of chatting with his father, unaware She replied easily: "Yes, tonight is our father and daughter's 'Speak Freely Night'. How about talking about everything?

" London, why don't you speak British accent and change to American accent?"

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