Ch 46

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Chapter 46

Of course, Chen Yan didn't wait at the driving school all night.

However, he finished the VR training simulator overnight, and he came with the equipment at about five o'clock in the morning.

But his exaggerated statement obviously succeeded in bluffing the girl.

Song Zhiwen was stunned at the front door of the bus, standing still for a long time.

She looked a little surprised, as if she didn't expect that he had waited patiently until now.

"Little girl, are you going or not?"

The bus driver couldn't help urging, but Song Zhi came back to his senses, before he had time to respond—

"Let's go!" Chen Yan answered first.

In the next second, the boy was in front of him. He put his hands behind her shoulders, almost embracing her, and pushed her onto the bus together.

The left shoulder is cool with iced Coke, but the right shoulder is scalded by the boy's palm.

One cold and one hot, just like Song Zhi's mood facing Chen Yan at this moment, strange and strange.


the door was closed immediately, and the driver started the bus immediately, without giving Song Zhi the slightest chance to hesitate and refuse.

Helpless, she had no choice but to move forward quickly, get away from the youth's embrace, and find a random seat to settle down.

And Chen Yan followed, and Da Lala sat down beside her.

"I thought you were going to pick a single seat." He looked at her unexpectedly, and then handed a can of Coke in front of her eyes, "Can you have a can of summer top soda?" Song Zhi ignored the Coke, fell silent for a moment, and only replied:

" It's not too late to go after talking to you."

"Miss is finally willing to talk to me?"

Chen Yan turned to her sideways, with a relaxed posture as if yesterday's confession was just an illusion, he sighed, "It seems that the VR equipment was not given away for nothing. ."

The boy's tone and demeanor were exactly the same as before the farewell debate, suddenly, he thought time had flown back.

But she knew very well that she couldn't go back at all.

"Chen Yan."

Song Zhi called him softly, paused for a moment, and said, "I like Chen Xichuan, and it is absolutely impossible to like you again."

She looked straight into the boy's eyes, without any detour or tact, and told him: "Whether in the past or in the future , won't like you. So Chen Yan, don't waste your energy."

Song Zhi thought about it again when he was practicing in the morning.

She could deal with Chen Yan's enthusiasm coldly, but she should give a clear answer to his confession.

She must first let him understand: there is absolutely no possibility between them.

After speaking, Song Zhi stood up and wanted to leave.

The boy bent his legs to block her way.

She stood in front of the chair, condescending, looking down at him calmly and indifferently.

Chen Yan also raised his head, looking at her for a moment.

Suddenly, he smiled mischievously, and said indifferently: "If you mind this, I wouldn't have shown up yesterday." "Why do

you approach me, who do you like, I don't care."

The boy said to her more resolutely and firmly : "For the person I like, I unconditionally indulge."

Unconditional indulgence.

Indeed, from London to Haishi, Chen Yan had indeed treated her unconditionally many times.

Everyone wants to be favored.

At this moment, he made a deep and resolute promise to her, it was hard for Song Zhi not to be moved.

The heart is wrapped in sun-melted sour sugar, which is sweet and warm, but her face must be indifferent.

"Whatever you want." Song Zhi said lightly, and simply raised his legs and stepped across the row of seats behind.

Chen Yan followed her, and smiled softly: "Why did you forget, you learned to fly over walls in London."

Song Zhi pursed his lips and looked out of the car window sideways, restraining his eyes from shifting away from the young man.

Fortunately, Chen Yan didn't make any other movements, and sat quietly in front of her throughout the driving.

He didn't seem to have slept well last night. After two or three stops, Song Zhi caught a glimpse of his head lightening and dozing off from the corner of his eye.

Early in midsummer, the golden sun and the shadows of the whirling trees alternately stay and fly away on the boy's sleeping face.

When the voice announcement of the arrival of the bus sounded, Song Zhi finally dared to look at Chen Yan with a fair face. His eyes are still sleeping, his face is quiet and harmless, perhaps he is embracing a peaceful dream.

After a slight pause, she got up without waking up the boy.

Song Zhi and his staggered shoulders, and deliberately walked lightly to the exit door.


the pneumatic door had just opened, and before she could get off the bus, Chen Yan chased after her like the wind.

"It's really merciless."

The young man followed her, his tone as if he was selling misery, "It's good to be friends, and just throw me in the car alone."

Song Zhi ignored him and regarded him as air.

She went to the city library as planned, but Chen Yan was unrelenting and followed her quietly all the time.

After all, he was a half-public figure. Not long after he entered the library, he was recognized by fans. He let out a loud shout, which attracted dissatisfied glances from the self-study students.

Even though the voices of the two fell down in an instant, Song Zhi still felt uneasy and got up to move a little further away from him.

Chen Yan seemed to be aware of it, and when he chased after her again, he purposely kept a distance from her.

Throughout the afternoon, the two sat on both sides of the long self-study table, diagonally separated by three or four people, doing their own things.

However, Song Zhi still couldn't concentrate as usual after all, she couldn't ignore that scorching gaze at all.

In the past, she left at six o'clock in the evening, but today she left an hour earlier.

The boy really followed lazily.

Soaking up the sunshine again, Song Zhili stood by the side of the street full of traffic, and couldn't bear to ask: "Chen Yan, how long are you going to follow?"

Chen Yan stood still in front of her, all the anger and laziness in her body disappeared.

He stared at her, and said solemnly, "Follow me until you release me from the blacklist."

Song Zhi was startled for a moment.

After a moment of silence, she couldn't hide her astonishment and said: "Is it necessary to do this to this extent? Besides, I will not contact you again." The

implication is that removing the blacklist will not help.

"It's very necessary." Chen Yan was very serious, "I want to contact you."

Song Zhi wanted to put cold words again.

But the young man took the lead: "You don't have to agree now, I can wait." He said, "The less I get, the more patient I am."

Song Zhi couldn't believe it: "Are you threatening me?"

"No." Chen Yan Said, "I'm begging you."

Song Zhi punched the cotton with his fist, feeling helpless that he couldn't do anything with the boy.

His attitude made it difficult to even get angry.

For a moment, Song Zhi was really soft-hearted and wanted to agree. It was reason that pulled her to remind her, that would only bring their relationship back to the original point.

So, he turned his heart into a stone, turned his head coldly and walked away.

Chen Yan also did what she said, no more urging, no more talking, silently accompanied her, and took her all the way to the door of the house.

"Zhou Yichan."

Before entering the door, the boy stopped her and said, "Eat more tonight, see you tomorrow."

Song Zhi suddenly stopped.

She understood in seconds that the other party was concerned about herself who didn't eat lunch because of boredom, but in fact, he himself also suffered from hunger.

Looking back, Chen Yan stood under the rose vine, looking at her with orange sunset glow in his eyes, hot and affectionate.

Inexplicable panic struck, she quickly opened the door and entered the house, hiding herself.

Not long after, the phone rang, and she received a WeChat friend request from a teenager.

Song Zhi ignored it.

That night, after a long absence, she dreamed of London all night again. The moment the bells on the banks of the Thames rang, her eyes snapped open.

It was already daylight outside, and Song Zhi didn't feel sleepy at all, so he simply got up and set off for morning exercises.

Unexpectedly -

when the door opened, Chen Yan leaned against the wall and waved to her, "Good morning, miss."

Song Zhi paused.

The Chen family and the Zhou family were going to cross Haishi, and the boy was already waiting here at 5:30 in the morning, so what time did he have to get up.

She really admired it.

Song Zhi asked sincerely: "Don't you need to sleep?"

The young man smiled and said to her, "Didn't you see me sleep yesterday."

Song Zhi didn't bother to talk to him.

Glancing at him, she started jogging.

Chen Yan also kept silent, and accompanied her to do morning exercises.

Walking through the park and crossing the long bridge, the boy was always by her side.

What is frightening is that from yesterday to today, Song Zhi has quickly gotten used to his existence.

This realization made her stop suddenly.

"What's wrong?" the boy asked her.

After running nearly five kilometers, Song Zhi was sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

However, when she looked at Chen Yan, the other party looked very relaxed and relaxed.

It's like this "love game" between them.

She was exhausted, but he didn't bother.


Song Zhi finally took out her mobile phone, passed the boy's friend request, and immediately warned, "Don't follow me anymore."

After saying that, she ran away at a faster speed.

Chen Yan seemed to laugh lightly.

But when he caught up, his face was serious: "Miss is generous. There are only a few hundred meters left, and I will see you off."

Song Zhi said nothing.

She was thinking, it doesn't matter if you add friends again, the big deal is to turn on "Do Not Disturb Messages" when you go back.

No reply to his message at all.

A few hundred meters are there in an instant.

Before Song Zhi entered the house, he warned again: "Chen Yan, really don't follow me again." "

Then you promise me one more thing."

The young man immediately pushed forward, "Come with me to the Bund on weekends to participate in Ferrari's anniversary ceremony."

Song Zhi reminded him: "Chen Yan, I just don't want to be disturbed by you, so I will approve your friend application.


Forget it, I have to try."

Song Zhi didn't answer, turned around, and entered the room without looking back.


When she set off for the driving school test subject two, Chen Yan finally didn't show up again. After that, she took the driving school test, including taking the bus after the test, and it was the same.

Sitting in the same position as yesterday, Song Zhi let out a long breath.

But his eyes fell on the empty seat beside him, and a peaceful sleeping face appeared in his mind, and he felt a little bit sad.

She was suddenly glad that she finally sent him away. Otherwise, with the boy following her side for such a long time, she really wasn't sure how everything would go.

The next day, Song Zhi's subject two results came out, and he passed with a perfect score.

She put Chen Yan's matter aside for the time being, and sent her report card to Zhou Yan with a smile on her face:


[Dad, I think I will be able to drive you for a ride soon! ]

I just want some positive feedback from my father.

In fact, Zhou Yan did give it:

[Better than Dad back then]

[It just so happens that there is a very suitable way to celebrate, Dad will tell you in person at dinner]

Song Zhi was waiting for a gift from a man, she had thought of many kinds Possibly, never expected——

Zhou Yan would show out the invitation letter of "Ferrari's Burning Engine Celebration".

The ceremony where she rejected Chen Yan.

Song Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and didn't speak for a while.

"Don't you like it?" Seeing this, Zhou Yan explained, "You are so looking forward to opening the powder method, I thought you would want to go." "

No..." Song Zhi wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to start.

And Zhou Yan put away the invitation letter calmly, he said: "It's okay, you can say what you want to celebrate, and Dad will accompany you." It really doesn't matter

how you celebrate, but at this moment, the high-spirited atmosphere is shaky.

Song Zhi blurted out: "No! I don't dislike it!" After speaking, his attitude became firmer, "On the contrary, I like it so much, I was so surprised that I was stunned." After all, I didn't want to disappoint my father, and I didn't want to let the pleasant atmosphere fall


She smiled and said, "I'm thinking, why does my father know me so well? How can he always guess what I want to do most!" "

Really?" Zhou Yan was dubious, "Don't lie to Dad."

Song Zhi Put up three fingers: "I swear, I really like it."

Zhou Yan's expression obviously relaxed, "That's good, then tomorrow dad will accompany you to buy a skirt for the celebration."

"Okay." She responded briskly.

This grand ceremony of Ferrari is specially held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of entering China, and the venue is on the Bund.

Only when Song Zhi arrived did he realize that the scene was very formal and grand.

The dazzling cyber red light overflowed from the huge venue in front, and the occasional sound of the engine resounded through the entire night sky.

There is a long red carpet in the entrance area, and dozens of Ferraris are displayed on both sides. Ferrari's classic supercars. The most dazzling one was the Ferrari that Chen Yan drove for her in London.

Now Song Zhi doesn't know much about cars, but standing at the entrance, she still feels that the scene is magnificent and amazing.

She stepped on the red carpet, and the luxury cars on both sides were dazzlingly displayed. The further she advanced, the more she felt like she had stepped into a movie world full of luxury and money. It seems that in the next second, these supercars will be speeding up, and an exciting "Fast and Furious" will be staged here.

Beside her, Zhou Yan saw her full of interest, and said with a smile: "It seems that I really like it, I'm not lying."

Song Zhi blinked and said frankly: "Actually, I was a little worried at first. But the scene was completely beyond my imagination. boring car show."


Zhou Yan pretended to be worried, "I haven't officially entered the venue yet, what if the celebration disappoints you?" "

Then dad will take me to Ferrari to settle the score." The daughter looked at him with sparkling eyes.

It can be seen that her mood is extremely light.

Just when they finished walking the red carpet, they came to the entrance channel.

Zhou Yan laughed lowly, then stood still, motioning for his daughter to go first: "Then please invite the princess to the scene for inspection."

Song Zhi smiled knowingly, lightly carrying the red skirt and walked forward.

Passing through the long corridor, the world in the venue unfolded to her.

It is tall and spacious, the lights are dim, and the music is boiling and deafening. If it weren't for the rows of long dinner tables, she would have thought it was some kind of unique concert venue.

It is indeed worthy of the word "grand ceremony".

There are many guests inside, and the light is dim, so it is not easy to tell who is coming.

But Zhou Yan should be a distinguished guest, Song Zhi and him had just walked in when someone came to greet and guide the way.

"The dinner party will start soon, shall we sit down first?" Zhou Yan first asked for her wishes.

The night was still long, Song Zhi was not in a hurry to explore here, and nodded in agreement.


friends gathered together, before they reached the VIP round table closest to the stage, she saw Chen Yan who was rejected by her from a distance.

Yesterday he refused so bluntly, but tonight he suddenly appeared again, so bumping into him would inevitably be a bit embarrassing.

Song Zhi paused, trying to find an excuse to avoid it.

However, Chen Yan, who was facing him sideways, turned around.

His face paused slightly, and a beam of incandescent spotlights flashed by, making his eyes extraordinarily bright.

Before running away, the boy in the suit and leather collar was already walking towards her with a smile.

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