Sparks Ignited

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"So what's your story?"" Aiden asked as I sat down.


"Your story. How you ended up in Silverwood."

"Oh. Right. My grandma has lived here forever. My parents did at one point, but they went off to college and settled down elsewhere."

"That's great. But why are you here."

"I wasn't allowed to go on my parents work trip."

"How long is this work trip if you move here?"

I sighed heavily. "Two years. They're archeologists. They're on a two year dig to excavate some ancient thing that's not appropriate for a teenager to spend so much time at."

"That's pretty cool."

"When I get to go it is," I muttered.

"You're not happy here?" he asked.

"No...I mean yeah. It's great getting to spend time with my grandma, I just miss my mom and dad."

He nodded his head as Mrs. Mitchell handed out the project details. I picked up the paper and skipped it briefly. 

Project Title: Comparative Literary Analysis: Exploring Themes Across Two Novels

Project Description:

In this collaborative English project, you and your partner will embark on a journey of literary exploration by comparing and contrasting themes in two different novels. By delving into the intricacies of each book's themes, characters, settings, and writing styles, you will gain a deeper understanding of how authors convey their messages through storytelling.

"Oh this sounds just amazing," I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

Aiden reached for the sheet, his fingers brushing mine as he took it from my hand. His gaze held mine, an unspoken connection forming between us. "I'm sure it's not so bad," he said reassuringly. His eyes lowered to the paper, and a playful smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Looks like we're going to have to spend some time together."

Heat crept up my neck, and I shifted my gaze to the blackboard as Mrs. Mitchell continued discussing the project and the list of books we could choose from.

"Let's meet after school," Aiden whispered, his voice warm and inviting.

"Okay. Where?" I replied, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement.

"I think we have most of these books at my house. We can walk over after school?"

"Sure. That'd be great," I agreed, my heart beating a little faster.

"Great." Aiden's smile widened, and for a moment, it felt like the world around us faded.

The rest of the class passed by in a blur as we both tried to pay attention, the anticipation of meeting later tugging at the edges of my focus.

I went through the rest of school in a fog. I was there physically, not exactly mentally. 

The final bell rang, and I hastily packed my books into my backpack, my excitement for the impending meeting with Aiden making it difficult to focus on the remaining minutes of school. When the classroom door swung open, there he was, leaning casually against the doorway, a small grin tugging at his lips.

"Ready to escape?" Aiden's voice was a lifeline in the sea of mundane.

"Absolutely," I answered, the corners of my lips mirroring his grin as I swung my backpack over my shoulder.

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