The body

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"Yes, we're immediate best friends now," Amber grumbled.

"I agree, but are we ignoring the fact that there is a body right down there?" I asked. "We can go look at it."

"I dunno, that sheet is covered in a lot of blood. I don't think I want to look at whoever that used to be," Lauren said, peeking over the ledge to the bottom. "Oh, it's gone."

"Gone?" we all said in unison.

"Yeah. Gone."

We all popped up and looked at the now empty and dark gym. The body was in fact gone.

"They move fast," I whispered.

"I guess we follow the adults," Aiden said.

"Then we need to hurry," Amber said already jumping and heading for the door.

We all ran down the stairs and back out through the cafeteria. Creeping to the front of the school, Aiden motioned for us to stop. We waited as we strained to listen to what everyone was saying. 

"I'm telling you. I've seen those bites before," a soft voice that I just knew was my grandma said.

"Why would they come here though? There are so many humans, there is no way one of them could have just smelled us if they were passing through."

"It had to have followed one of us from somewhere," someone else whispered.

"What are they talking about? What is it?" Lauren asked.

I could feel my cheeks flushing. I knew what it was. I knew what killed the person in the school.

"Um, I might know. Can you all come to my house? Like, now?"

"What?" They all looked at me. "What was it?"

"I don't know for sure. Just come back to my house."

We went back to the courtyard behind the school and cut through the area beside building B coming out on an empty main street.

"Hey! You there!" a cop across the street hollered.

"Uh, yes?" Amber asked.

"Why aren't you home? Get home!"

"Oh, we're on our way. They're coming to my house. I live right over there." I pointed to my grams house in the distance. 

It stood high above the trees and shops.

"Margaret Whitmore's house?"

I nodded my head. "She's my grandma."



"Okay. Just hurry."


We picked up the pace, making it back to my house in just a few short minutes. I unlocked the front door and kicked off my shoes.

"So this is where you live?" Amber asked.

"Yup. It's been in my family for a very long time."

"Cool. We've lived in the same house forever too."

"Oh! Us too! My grandpa built our house!" Lauren exclaimed.

I nodded my head and led everyone upstairs to the attic.

"Stay here for just a second."

"Why are we in a creepy attic?" Amber asked.

"It's not creepy. It's dusty and just hold on."

Lunar EnchantmentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora