Chapter 29 | You Are Worthy

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A large, firm hand roughly whacked her bottom

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A large, firm hand roughly whacked her bottom.

"Dick!" She'd hiss, waving at his hand rapidly as he snatched his wrist away.

Cronus grinned widely, regardless of her threatening glare and French swears.

Today was cold- winter fully settling in. A foot of snow had built up outside, unusually higher than usual. In Washington, winters are relatively warmer and build a few inches at most. Frost hung from the edges of roofs, frost coating windows and walls.

The pair wandered out the front door, completely nude. The moon shone upon the pair as Riot danced in the snow- raising her feet high as her feet screamed from the cold.

"Fuck!" She'd swear, "Fuck this!" 

The taller man laughed out loud. He enjoyed her intolerance- tensing as she climbed onto him. Riot sighed with relief once her legs were wrapped around his waist.

"It's not that bad." He'd chuckle lowly- chest vibrating against her body.

"It's fucking cold!" The she-wolf howled, "How can you just stand there?!"

He'd pat her butt, "Warriors are trained to handle the snow with their bare feet, baby."

A shiver shook her spine- though not from the cold. That new nickname was cute.


"I aim to please."

The two finally shifted after a moment of complaining from the alpha female.

In wolf form- the roles switched entirely.

Artio's beautiful form was massive- the white wolf towering over Midas' black wolf. His head was up to her mid-neck, just below her own head. 

Riot, in control, snickered at her lover. He'd roll his eyes at her and dig his paws into the snow- leaping forward and bolting into the forest's depths. She'd speed after him, tail waving in the air in excitement.
She cheekily nipped at his rear as they ran- him throwing his head over his shoulder and chuffing at her with narrowed eyes. He'd leap off to the side and slow to a stop at the edge of the forest. They were on top of a hill overlooking a large lake.

She'd bounce toward him- pressing her head against his shoulder and rubbing her teeth against his fur. He'd nip at her neck playfully.

Ice blue eyes met shimmering emerald ones.

The she-wolf stared him down- pupils getting larger as their tails swept side-to-side.

Cronus suddenly play bowed, making her play bow back. She'd run away from him- the nipping at her tail telling her he was just behind her. He'd keep loudly chuffing.

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