Prologue pt.2

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My wife is dead.


I'm forced to watch as they time her death and I'm forced to sit.

I was so out of control that they had to forcefully drag me out of the room and only when I had no struggle left is when I sat down and waited in the lobby.

I only got to see her body, her face one last time before they took her out of the room and ruled her death.

Fuck, I'm a mess.

I've been sitting in this corner for the past three hours, fuck I have to check on the baby.

I have to tell my boys that their mother didn't make it.

Why couldn't it have been me?

The boys need there mother.

They can live without me but there mother is who they need.

Fuck, why is this happening? Is this what I get for being in the mafia, for killing? My wife never did anything wrong.

She stood by my side through it all but never got her hands dirty. My Claire was everything now shes gone, taken from me.

I feel despair but mostly I feel angry, how long was she dead for before the doctors did anything.

I will find out, but for now I need to check on my baby boy.

A new boy that will never know his mother.

I sigh and run my hands through my hair, forcing my self to get up and go see him.

I feel and look like shit but I refuse to be a shit father, like my own.

My own dad stopped being a good father when my own mother died and I refuse to be like that.

I refuse to put the blame on them, everything happens for a reason and if my wife finds peace in the dead then at least I can be a good dad or at least not a terrible one.

My boys deserve that.

My chest visibly hurts when I see my boy all wrapped up and crying his heart out, I'm with you.

I wish I could say that everything will be alright, that there's light at the end but I don't feel that way.

There's no light without my wife, there's not going to be light in my son's life without his mother.

Could I be a caring and thoughtful mother? No I could never replace Claire in my boys lives.

I curse the world for letting it take away Claire, this cruel world and it's only going to get worse with me in it.

I'm definitely going to hell.

I feel like I'm already in it without my wife, the love of my life but at least I have my boys to make it less painful.

I look into his eyes and feel my tears begin to fall, while trying to calm and rock him to sleep.

"You look just like your mom," I whisper and kiss his forehead when he finally stops his crying and he's staring up at me.

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