10 - Tears

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After dinner I was reluctant to go to Taylor's room but I knew he was upset, I felt bad that I didn't stand up for him or at least help him.

I hate that I'm so scared of everything. No not of everything, just confrontation and talking.

I don't like rocking the boat and Taylor just tipped the boat over.

I softly knock on his door, wondering if he was asleep so I was gentle.


I hear him moving as I smile when he opens the door, "what?"

"I just wanted to see if your ok."

He rolls his eyes, "of course I'm not ok, how do you expect me to feel Sophie."

"Your just a little girl, pathic and small."

"Stay out of my room. In fact stay out of my way all together," He says then harshly slams the door in my face.

Don't cry.

I am crying.

I can feel the tears streaming down my face as I quickly walk to my own room and lock the door behind me.

I fall on to my bed and just cry, I don't know why he's so rude to me, I didn't do anything.

I try to understand Taylor, I try to talk to him but he's so mean to me.

I don't understand him at all. So I just cry and let his words sting.

Cry my eyes out until morning, it's not until 6 in the morning when I finally stop and go out to the kitchen.

I'm still dressed so I don't change as I walk in and stop when I see all five male eyes on me.

I pause but I'm too tired so I just grab some coffee and spill it into my cup, most people don't like black coffee but I'm a big fan of it, something strong to wake me up and get ready for the day.

I smile as I stay in place, my back against the counter as I take a sip and enjoy the hot escape down my throat.

"Perfect," I whisper to myself as Asher smiles, coming up to me.

"I'm glad you think so, I also think I look perfect."

I roll my eyes and keep sipping my coffee. "Your up early.." he mutters as I nod, "I like to sometimes on school days."

He nods "sorry about my dad, but he's strict sometimes."

I nod and smile, "it's ok I'm not worried about school."

He raises a brow, "so your a nerd then?" I can tell he's teasing a little but it's a real question.

I nod "maybe a little but I like school, I like English and reading."

He smiles but rolls his eyes slightly, "definitely a nerd."

I shrug, "if being smart means I'm a nerd then so be it."

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