Dead End Adventure

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Money issues are one of the things Yukiko never thought pirates would have trouble with.

Then again, being such a successful trainer, Monarch to be honest, she would not know. The salary she makes is worth more than the chumps at the World Government would ever make in all their lifetimes. Combined.

Including her recent World Tournament Trophy!

But she also didn't expect to gain a boyfriend who is a pirate made of rubber and a literal black hole for food......

After evading the marines through a storm, the crew dropped anchor at a nearby island called Hannabal Island to resupply. It was already late, so they ate dinner at a dingy pub, which ended about the same as usual. Tons of plates stacked on the table and hardly any money left.

"Ahh~ I'm stuffed!" Luffy patted his belly with a mountain of plates piled up in front of him.

"I bet you are." Zoro scowled at him. "You ate a ton."

He laughed. "I still have room for more."

"That's enough!" Usopp ordered him.

Sanji let out a sigh as he finished the last bite to his meal. "Those were some simple, yet delicious dishes. Nami-san, Robin-chan, Yuki-chan, would you ladies care for some dessert?"

At the sound of hearing his girlfriend being called that, Luffy pulled Yukiko closer to him as she did sit next to him.

"I'm fine, thank you." Nami replied.

Yukiko nodded. "I'm good."

"I'll have some coffee." Asked Robin.

Sanji got up with a smile, walking towards the bar. "Certainly~."

"I'll have some more food!" Chopper asked.

"No fair!" Whined Luffy.

"No more for you!" Nami yelled at her captain.


"Don't 'eeh' me! Besides, Yukiko already gave you part of her dessert! If no one stops you, you're going to eat forever!" Nami finished.

"How are we doing on money?" Sanji asks as he brings Robin some coffee.

"Well, we haven't exactly earned anything." Nami answers. "Once we stock up on food we'll hardly have anything left."

"Great..." Sanji sighs, slumping in his chair.

"You know I could exchange some of my valuables for a good chunk of change. They are worth a lot. I even have Pokémon that can actually make more money." Yukiko offered.

"Yeah, but you already do a lot for us. Including feeding our captain and keeping him occupied. I don't want to give you more burdens than you need." Nami said.

"Alright, listen up!" Luffy suddenly announces. "I'm saying this as your Captain; you guys are spending too much money!"


All the boys give him a hard pound for that, resulting in multiple lumps on his head as he hit the table. "BEFORE YUKIKO JOINED, IT ALL GOES TO FEEDING YOU!"

"Okay, but my offer is still up in case." Yukiko smiled as she sipped her drink as she sat with Luffy.

"Even so, this could be a problem in the long run." Sanji says.

Nami sighs, "There's gotta be some way to get some quick cash here."

Sanji shrugs, "Well, I didn't see any casinos or anything; we may just have to wait and hope that the next island has more to offer." He says.

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