Valentine's Special

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The Thousand Sunny stopped off at Amorous Island.

"This is a popular island in the Grandline for romance, huh?" Nami said as she looked at the map.

At that, Sanji looked up as Robin spoke.

"Yes, it's famous for the Lover's Festival, and every year they organize  lots of events for all kinds of couples. Boat rides in the river, picnics under the peach trees, wine and food tastings, an amusement park, spas, candlelight dinners, a large dance at the gazebo, and toward the end of the Festival, they are launching Lover's Lanturns into the sky. And it should be special this year. This year, they will select a couple to launch their lantern under the Lover's Tree and share a kiss. Its said that if a couple kisses under that tree during an eclipse they will be together forever." Robin said.

Sanji twirled around the two. "Ah, It would be a dream come true, if I can stay with Robin and Nami forever!"

Yukiko smiled as she and Pachi saw the island decorated in various pinks, reds, and whites, and hearts everywhere.

"Hey, Yukiko! We're a couple! Why don't we go!" Luffy said as he held her.

"It should be alright, The events and food are half-off, and free for couples. That includes clothes." Robin said.

"Sanji! You're coming with me!" Nami grabbed the cook who swooned.

Robin giggled as she asked Franky to tag along, as he blushed.

Usopp rolled his eyes as Zoro scoffed, Brooks laughed in amusement and Chopper was so innocent, he didn't know why people had been cuddling.
The island was so much fun.

Luffy and Yukiko walked around all the stalls as they got a chance to eat delicious food and fruit. Since Yukiko can't really hold liquor, she settled for sparkling juice.

At the Amusement park, Luffy even won a few prizes for Yukiko, including a large teddy bear, a lovely necklace, and stuffed dolphin.

They also danced at the gazebo like it was their first date.

The day soon passed as sundown was arriving and they had to select the Lovers for the Lanturn launch.

To everyone's surprise.........

Luffy and Yukiko were selected from the drawing!

Their lanturn had the Strawhat jolly roger with hearts and little thunderbolts, flowers, raindrops, and fires.

They were taken to the Lover's Tree as the sun set and they launched their lantern as others soon followed.

It was indeed a beautiful sight.

As the eclipse was happening, Yukiko looked at Luffy,

And they kissed as if it was their first.

For a moment, Luffy's hair turned white before going back to black. And Yukiko's was, for a second, a galaxy blue.

"Happy Valentines." Yukiko smiled.


As the festival was ending, Luffy and Yukiko headed back to the ship to see Alina and Ace on the deck before the others.

"Ace?" Luffy said but then stopped.

Alina was sitting with Ace's head in her lap. He was snoozing away the booze he drank.......

And his face was covered in lipstick kisses.

"I see they had fun too." Yukiko giggled.
Here's a Valentines Day special!

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