Sanji vs. Duval

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"So… I guess that wanted poster caused more trouble then we thought,” Yukiko said to Zoro and Luffy.

"Gave me a surprise too." Luffy said.

Back on the ship..

"His face… I guess these things really do happen.” Nami said

  “Amazing! I never dreamed someone out there actually matched the scribble on Sanji’s wanted poster!” Chopper says in shock.

But it only fueled Sanji’s anger. He ignores Duval’s next speech and jumps into the water.

"Give me back my life! BLACK LEG SANJI!" Duval screamed again after a long spiel of his hatred.

With a mighty swing, Sanji delivered a powerful kick to the poster-like face. "LIKE I CARE!"



"Whaddaya mean, 'like I care'?" Duval bellowed from atop the cow after he recovered from the kick. "If ya ain't gonna take responsibility for dis, then who will?"

"Shut up!" Sanji yelled back. "I'm more pissed-off about that wanted poster than anyone!"

It then turned into a glaring contest between both blond men.

Franky was still crying, "I understand how that guy feels..."

"But... Sanji was really depressed because of that wanted poster too..." Chopper murmured, recalled the cook's exact reaction back in Water Seven. "So, things like this can really happen, huh?"

"What a surprise..." Nami commented. "This world is really big."

"Was Sanji born under some kind of miracle star or something?" Usopp muttered to Nami.

"He might meet quite an interesting end someday..." Robin commented off-handedly.

"I can't help but feel sorry for that Duval guy..." Franky was still crying.

"Those two look exactly like each other!" Hachi commented.

"Like two peas in a pod," Zoro added.

"I guess there are doppelgangers in this world." Yukiko said.

Brook was reduced to laughing so much, bones clacked against stone as the skeleton beat his fists against the floor.

"Brook!" Sanji yelled at the musician. "I'm so gonna kick the crap out of you afterwards!"

"Well then, Sanji..." Luffy commented. "We'll just be going on ahead." He said as he grabbed Yukiko's hand.

"Are you saying this is my fault!?" Sanji yelled then turned to Duval. "If you don't want to look like that wanted poster, then how about trying to change your hairstyle or your beard? There are plenty of things you could change, right?"

Duval looked pissed-off for a few moments, before...

Thok. "So, I could've done that?"

"Are you all morons?"

"I guess his rage blinded him..." Yukiko said.

"I ain't no moron!" Duval retorted. "You know, Black Leg, we..."

There followed a very long, potentially very dramatic and definitely emotive spiel about the life before the horribly drawn wanted poster of Black Leg Sanji and then Duval began shooting poison harpoons at the blond cook of the ship.

"Sanji Kun!" Nami yelled as Sanji was dragged underwater by a net and two of the Riders.

"They're trying to pull him down into the ocean!" Usopp yelled. "Sanji! Hurry up and get out of there!"

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