One Piece x BNHA pt 8: Robin

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Then in came Robin. She was beautiful, mysterious and smart. They had to be careful with this one. 

"A nice interrogation here." Robin smiled as she sat down and Nezu offered coffee. 

"What were you doing before you joined the crew?" Nezu asked.

"When I was young, I pursued a career in archeology, in fact I came from a long line of archeologists." 

"History in the blood huh?" Midnight asked interested.

"But things took a turn for the worse when the government came around. You see, no one knew why, but a period in history, The Blank History, the higher ups didn't want the world to know of it, as it would reveal a huge lie that could have the world turn against the Government. Those of us on my homeland discovered that. The government saw us as a threat, and ordered us to be exterminated." Robin said.

That made the staff stop thinking. 

"What?" Toshinori said quietly.

"You heard me. Not arrest. They ordered a Buster Call on the entire Ohara, which is basically a one-sided genocide. Every man, every woman, every child. Young and old. All were hunted like animals. Everyone I knew perished.........I was only eight and I only survived when one marine I befriended got wise and helped me escape at the cost of his life. He was a giant named Saul." Robin said with a sad smile. 

The more the staff were hearing of this World Government, the more disgusted they were. If these were people that just cared about themselves, they could understand why the Strawhats became pirates.

"After that, I became wanted and hunted by the Government. Anyone I tried to trust would try to turn me in so I couldn't trust anyone. I had to work for various criminals to protect myself and accomplish my home's goal. Not the most suitable option, but I had little option. My latest was a man named Crocodile. He's what you'd call a criminal mastermind. He aimed to take over the desert kingdom of Alabasta and find Pluton." 

"Pluton? Alabasta?"

"Alabasta is a great nation of a desert island. One of the most ancient and peaceful too. However, Crocodile had created lies around the kingdom to set up a civil war and played himself as a 'hero' to gain the people's trust. The king was framed for using an illegal substance called Dance Powder, a substance that can summon rain, but it actually steals it from other islands.

His daughter, Princess Vivi infiltrated the organization to discover the truth. It was also how she met the Strawhats before I joined. They offered to help, and she accepted. She couldn't ask the government as Crocodile was a Shichibukai."


Robin nodded. "They are pirates, given authority by the World Government. While they are allowed to loot, the Government uses them to get rid of other pirates. But Crocodile was doing his master plan in the shadows. The worst part is that Alabasta is a member nation of the Government, and it would lead to a scandal if people found out. However, Luffy and Yukiko were the ones to stop Crocodile, preventing massive bloodshed and the rebellion, and the latter was expelled from the Shichibukai. Although there was a marine captain there, he refused to take part in the cover up." 

"Cover up? You mean....!" Thirteen asked. 

"Think about it. The government would be caught up in a scandal. Alabasta, a key nation of the government was almost toppled and the king was almost killed. It wasn't saved by the Marines, but by a group of wanted pirates. They did that to make sure people still saw the Marines as the 'heroes.' But all of Alabasta knew the truth because Yukiko broadcasted a conversation between Vivi and Crocodile to the whole kingdom. It was hard for them to trust the Government or Marines after that."

Toshinori's hands started to shake. They covered up such an event to maintain their so called order and peace? 

"And Pluton, what is that?" Aizawa asked.

".............A devastating weapon, One of the Three Ancient Weapons, that is now gone thanks to Yukiko. It was a massive battleship from ancient times. It has enough firepower to eliminate an entire island with one shot. Even the government was after it."

Naomasa forgot to breathe for a moment as he sensed it was the truth. He gained a cold chill from that. If such a weapon existed here....if a certain villian got their hands on it......................the death toll would shake the world to its core.

"After that, I asked to be part of the crew as I had nowhere to go.......... Although I didn't expect to grow attached to them. When I let myself be taken by the Government to protect them, Luffy and the others came after me. They even burned the Government Flag, declaring war for me." Robin smiled at the memory. 

"When they got me back, Yukiko was the one to bring Eneis Lobby down. Eneis Lobby is said to be the Gateway to the World Government. Once you knock on that door, it's no turning back. It was also one of the Government's prides, so when Yukiko summoned three powerful creatures, they leveled the man-made island. No one was hurt or killed but one Government fortress, thought to be impenetrable, was gone. Pirates and Marines were shocked. By then the whole crew got bounties." Robin said as she took out her posters.

Demon Child Nico Robin, archeologist.

1st bounty, child, wanted for destroying 40 marine ships

79,000,000 berries

2nd bounty, escape from Eneis Lobby


3rd Bounty, Battle for Dressrosa

130,000,000 berries

4th Bounty, Connections to Ohana, Defeat of A horde of Kaido's Gifters

930,000,000 berries 

Current bounty:

2,693,000,000 berries

As the staff learned more of this world, they wondered if the Government there was worse than they thought. 

They would learn soon enough......


Next is Franky!

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