Chapter 3

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As the days passed, Freen's heart swayed between hope and uncertainty. Nam's advice had provided him with a glimmer of confidence, but she still grappled with the question of whether Becky shared the same feelings. Each stolen moment with her was a testament to their connection, but it was time to clear the air and let their hearts speak openly.

One sunny Saturday afternoon, Freen found herself sitting on a bench in the same park where she had confided in Nam. She watched as children played on the swings, their laughter filling the air, and couples strolled hand in hand. It was the perfect setting for a heartfelt conversation.

With a deep breath and a determined resolve, Freen reached for his phone and sent a text to Becky: "Meet me at our coffee spot in an hour. There's something important I want to talk to you about."

Minutes felt like hours as Freen waited for Becky's reply. The anticipation was nerve-wracking, but she knew she needed to take this step to find out where they stood. Finally, a message popped up on her screen: "Of course, see you there."

With a sigh of relief, Freen prepared herself for the upcoming conversation. She arrived at the coffee shop early, ordering their favorite drinks—a cappuccino for her and a milk tea for Becky. The barista, who had grown accustomed to their visits, winked and handed her the carefully crafted beverages.

Becky arrived, her eyes bright and her smile infectious, and she greeted her with a warm hug. Freen felt her heart skip a beat at her touch. They settled into their usual corner by the window, but this time, there was a different energy in the air.

Freen couldn't delay it any longer. She cleared her throat and looked into Becky's eyes, trying to keep her voice steady. "Becky, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about."

She looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "What is it, Freen?"

Taking a deep breath, he began, "I can't help but feel that there's something special between us, something beyond friendship. I've enjoyed every moment we've spent together, and I've come to care about you a lot. I want to know if you feel the same way."

Becky's eyes widened with surprise, and for a moment, silence hung in the air like a delicate thread. Freen's heart raced as she waited for her response.

Her smile slowly spread across her face, and she reached out to hold his hand. "Freen, I've been feeling the same way too."

Relief washed over him, and she couldn't help but grin. "You have no idea how happy that makes me, Becky."

They continued to talk, sharing stories, hopes, and dreams. Freen learned about Becky's passion for writing and her love for adventure, while Becky discovered Freen's deep connection to photography and his dreams of capturing the world through his lens. It was a moment of vulnerability and openness that deepened their bond even further.

As they left the coffee shop, hand in hand, their hearts light and their smiles radiant, they couldn't help but feel that something magical had just unfolded between them. Little did they know that their connection was about to be tested and strengthened as they faced the challenges and adventures that awaited them in their journey together.

Unbeknownst to Freen and Becky, someone had been watching their relationship with keen interest. Yuki, Becky's best friend and confidante, had sensed the budding romance from the beginning. Yuki believed in love, and she had a plan to ensure that Freen and Becky's love story would be one for the ages.

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