Part 14

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Winter began to loosen its grip on Gapville, giving way to the first signs of spring. Freen and Becky's love had weathered the cold months, and as the city came to life with the arrival of blossoming flowers and budding trees, their love story continued to flourish.

One sunny afternoon, Freen and Becky decided to visit a charming botanical garden that was known for its vibrant displays of flowers. It was a place they had often heard about but had never explored together. They were eager to experience the beauty of spring in full bloom.

The moment they entered the garden, they were greeted by a riot of colors and fragrances. Rows of tulips swayed in the gentle breeze, and cherry blossoms painted the trees in shades of pink and white. It was a scene straight out of a fairytale.

They meandered through the garden, hand in hand, their fingers brushing against delicate petals. Becky couldn't help but smile as she saw the awe in Freen's eyes as he captured the beauty of the garden through his camera lens.

As they reached a secluded corner of the garden, they found a attractive summerhouse adorned with hanging vines and blooming roses. It was the perfect spot for a moment of quiet reflection.

They settled onto a bench inside the gazebo, the scent of flowers enveloping them. Freen turned to Becky, his expression thoughtful. "Becky, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Becky's heart skipped a beat, her curiosity piqued. "What is it, Freen?"

Freen took a deep breath, his eyes locked onto Becky's. "You know how much you mean to me, and how deeply I love you. But there's something I've never fully shared with you, something that has shaped who I am."

Becky nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "I'm here for you, Freen. You can tell me anything."

Freen continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "When I was younger, I faced a lot of challenges and uncertainties. My family went through a difficult time, and I felt like I had to be the strong one, the one who held everything together. But during those years, there was a period when I lost sight of who I truly was."

Becky listened intently, her heart aching for Freen's pain. She reached out and gently squeezed his hand, offering her support.

Freen took a moment to compose himself before continuing. "It was during that time that I turned to photography. It became my escape, my way of finding beauty and meaning in the world. And when I met you, Becky, everything changed. You showed me what it truly means to love and be loved, to find happiness in the simplest moments."

Becky's eyes glistened with tears as she realized the depth of Freen's feelings. "Freen, you are an incredible person, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You've brought so much joy and love into my world."

Freen smiled, his heart swelling with love. "Becky, you are my muse, my inspiration, and my heart. You've shown me that love can heal wounds, that it can bring light into the darkest corners of our lives."

With those words, Freen reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He opened it to reveal a ring—a delicate, sparkling ring that glistened like the morning dew on a flower petal.

Becky's breath caught in her throat as she stared at the ring, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Freen..." she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Freen took the ring and gently slid it onto Becky's finger. "Becky, will you marry me? Will you be my partner in this beautiful journey called life?"

Tears of joy streamed down Becky's cheeks as she nodded, her heart overflowing with love. "Yes, Freen, a thousand times yes!"

Their laughter and tears filled the botanical garden as they sealed their love with a passionate kiss. The garden, with its blooming flowers and vibrant colors, had witnessed a heartfelt confession and a promise of a future filled with love and happiness.

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