The shoes

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So, last time I showed you readers Y/N's outfit. Most of you love it. But only one person was actually using their brain, their comment helped me realise that her outfit was unrealistic for a fantasy/medieval universe. So....

Doesn't have to be that outfit but it is the general aesthetic I'm looking at for Y/N

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Doesn't have to be that outfit but it is the general aesthetic I'm looking at for Y/N. I'll be adding some more outfits at the top in every chapter. All I can say is that Pinterest is a lifesaver.

Y/N's Pov:

It was just about to hit dawn and Snow White and I were climbing up the side of one of the towers in her castle. Why you might ask? Because we're trying to find clues on where her father is. So far we have nothing, one thing we do know though, is that Regina, her step-mum has something to do about it.

Once we got to the window, I went in first, making sure no one was there. When I saw that the coast was clear, I used my magic to float down safely. I motioned Snow to come down as I made a force field for her to land on. She landed with ease and quickly got off.

"Right let's look around." I nodded and turned around to see a tree with white leaves sitting in the middle of the room.

"I didn't know you had a tree in here?" I whispered, cautious that someone was outside guarding.

"We don't...It wasn't here before. What is she up to now?" She questioned and walked off to another part of the room.

"I don't know, but as far as I know about her, it's not good." I said as I went to a different area.

I was looking behind a couple of paintings to see if there was some sort of safe. "Over here!" Snow whisper-shouted.

I jogged over to see her picking up the big cabinet, she managed to pick it up with no struggle and placed it out of the way, it revealed another painting behind it of a baby Snow and her Father. I pulled back the painting to see that it was a secret door which hid... nothing.

"What?" I questioned in confusion. That was it?! A tree growing in the room and a useless hidden slot. I closed the painting and saw that Snow was looking in the drawers on the desk. I went to join her but seconds later the sound of the door creaking caught our attention.

"Quick!" I urgently told her. She hid behind me as I conjured an invisible spell. We looked back to see that a small wooden bear entered, riding a broom and holding a light. As it was looking around, it spotted the moved cabinet and went to investigate.

"You weren't there before?" It spoke, by the sounds of it, it was a child. It turned around and pointed the light at us, luckily my spell kept us hidden and safe.

"Whatever." It spoke once again and glided out of the room, shutting the door behind.

That was close. She let out a sigh of relief and I undid the invisible spell. We didn't realise how far under the table we were so when Snow lifted her head she hit it against the wood.

"Ow ow." She winced.

"Are you alright?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, wait what's this?" I looked back and saw another opening in the draw, sitting inside was a book. I grabbed it and smiled at Snow, finally, we were getting somewhere.

We stood up and I placed the book on the desk. I opened it and saw that the pages were full of writing. I recognised it to be King White's handwriting.

"I can't believe my beloved daughter Snow White has turned 18. I only wish her mother could see the kind of smart and beautiful young woman she's become.

A strange thing happened during the party. The castle guards brought in a woman named Regina. They said she was a witch, but she was too beautiful to be a witch. I have married Regina. Everything feels so perfect!

Except for Regina's strange-looking mirror. There's something not quite right. People around the castle have been disappearing, one by one. Is it because of that peculiar mirror?

I saw it with my own eyes. Regina talking to a tree. She must be a witch! I should send Snow White away with Princess Y/N, away to a safer place.

My dear Snow, by the time you read this, my fate will be uncertain. She's coming for me now. I only hope you and Y/N can find the Fearless Seven and ask them for help.

Apples...the most suspicious of fruits..."

I looked at Snow after seeing what I just read and saw a frown on her face. I placed my hands on her shoulder and arm to show comfort.

"We'll find him Snow, you have my word." I told her, my voice laced with determination. She looked at me with a sad smile. "Thank you for everything Y/N. I know we'll find him."

I noticed that the sky was bright, showing that morning had come. I looked back at the tree to see that the sunlight that was let in through the window was shining on it. That wasn't the only thing I noticed though.

Now, hanging from the tree, I spotted two red apples sitting on different tree branches. 'Apples...the most suspicious of fruits,' King White's last words played in my mind.

"They don't look dangerous." Snow spoke, also seeing the red fruits. She walked over to the tree to have a closer look at them. I stayed back a bit, not fully trusting them.

She reached out to them and what happened next made me gasp. The apples had turned into shoes. I could feel their magic from here, that can't be good. She started to put them on.

"Wait, Snow don-" I called out to her worried that they might be harmful. I was cut off by a bright light as she slipped them on.

After the light died down, I uncovered my eyes to see a tall, slim, beautiful woman standing where Snow White used to be. Wait, that is Snow?! I was so confused I didn't even realise the other presence in the room, Regina.

"No! My shoes! Get them!" She shouted as a moving branch came shooting at us. I managed to block it with a shield I made and shot it with my magic.

As I was busy trying to fight the branch, Snow had managed to swipe a broomstick and get on it. Without warning, she grabbed me and sat me behind her. She wasn't that good at navigating it, we almost crashed into Regina. Luckily, she managed to guide it towards and out the window.

Although, we still didn't have control over it...

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