Witches? No...Well maybe one

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Third pov:

Outside of Risky Rock were the seven princes walking back home after a failed attempt to get a kiss. Merlin began to speak.

"Short, chubby and green." He groaned "Green is like an ogre. Blue or yellow could've made us look cute and cuddly."

His friend, Arthur, spoke up next to him, "Quit your complaining Merlin. I'm figuring out how to take this curse and kick it where the sun don't shine."

Then their other friend, Jack, who was staring into his mirror the entire time began to speak. "Listen, we need to find the most beautifullest princess to kiss us,"

"And we've just about run out of options." He continued, his voice sounding a bit more annoyed.

"How would a beautiful woman even see you, Mister Invisible?" Hans asked him in a mocking tone.

They all looked up at the sky when they heard a strange sound. Something had zoomed past over them, it looked like it was heading for Risky Rock.

"What was that? Some kind of bird?"

Y/N's pov:

Me and Snow crashed into a tree as the broom brought us lower, yet it didn't think to slow down. Snow managed to get out first, she then helped me down.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, what about you?" I answered.

"Me too, although I thought you could've guided me on the broom." She said sheepishly whilst brushing off her dress.

I stretched my arm, making sure it wouldn't ache after, "Sorry, I'm not that type of witch." I told her.

There was a house next to us, maybe there's someone inside, and maybe they could help us. I motioned Snow to follow me as I walked towards the door. I knocked on and no one answered, instead the door just opened slightly showing that it wasn't locked.

Who doesn't lock their door after leaving their house? How do I know someone lives here? Because there's a plate full of pastries sitting on the table. They look freshly backed as well.

"Oh cakes, I'm starving." Snow said as she walked past me to the table.

Talk about impulsive thoughts.

"Snow what are you doing? This isn't our house! What if the owners come back? We'll be in so much trouble." I scolded as I walked in, closing the door.

"Just one piece, please?" She asked. I looked out the window, there wasn't any sign of anyone coming.

I sighed and nodded my head but told her that she had to be quick. She grabbed one and began eating. Whilst she was doing that, I took the moment to fully inspect her. I can't believe what those shoes have done for her. "You know, you should really look in the mirror."

She gave me a confused look, asking why. Before I could reply, I heard the door burst open as another voice shouted, "Wands where I can see them, witches!"

We both looked towards the voice and saw six little green men in a fighting stance pointing their weapons at us. They looked at us for a few seconds before they dropped them and stared at us differently.

I was about to speak up until another voice shouted behind us, I felt something hard hit me in the head and then I blacked out.


As I started to come around, I heard voices around me. My eyes started to flicker open, the surface underneath felt, soft and comfy. I sat up slowly, I moved my hand to where my head was hurting.

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